3 介词+which在定语从句和宾语从句中的情况

1.Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa (反之)often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force.

在该句中一种分析认为:of后边接的which是一个宾语从句,补充说明issue,相当于issue的同位语。另一种分析认为of which is seen as the driving是后置定语。这两种哪个正确?


I stay at the hotel at the back of which is a small garden. 这里which引导的宾语从句,which在从句中作主语?还是介词加which在定语从句中作状语?


She has many books, only one of which is interesting.

She is the girl to whose father I talked yesterday. 她就是昨天我和其父亲谈话的女孩。

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最佳答案 2022-09-18 11:58

1Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force.


备注(1):whether...or...为从属连词引导主语从句。 vice versa  反过来也一样; 反之亦然(即把前面调换位置也是一样)

备注(2):of which is seen as the driving force为介词of+which宾语从句 构成介词短语作后置定语修饰名词the issue.   which is seen as the driving force 为连接代词引导的疑问分词作介词of的宾语从句。be seen as sth被认为/看作是某物。of +which宾语从句是作the issue定语,不是同位语。

以上句子主干为:Whether A  should increase sth or B  depends on sth

Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa 主语从句//often频度状语 //depends on谓语动词// the issue of which is seen as the driving force.宾语

2I stay at the hotel at the back of which is a small garden.  =I stay at the hotel and at the back of the hotel is a small garden.=I stay at the hotel and a small garden is at the back of the hotel.


解答:以上为of which is a small garden 为定语从句修饰前面名词hotel, 相当于I stay at the hotel and at the back of it(the hotel) is a small garden. 

备注(1):at the back of which is a small garden 属于作表语介词短语提前句首倒装结构,at the back of which is a small garden=at the back of the hotel is a small garden.还原成陈述语序:A small garden is at the back of the hotel.=一个小花园在小旅馆后面。

备注(2):在限制性定语从句 at the back of which is a small garden.  中,a small garden为定语从句主语,is为定语从句系动词,at the back of which为定语从句表语。关系代词which代替先行词the hotel,并在定语从句作介词of 的宾语,结构搭配at the back of sth=在某物后面

1She has many books, only one of which is interesting.=She has many books and only one of them is interesting.

解答:only one of which is interesting which引导非限制性定语从句, which指代books,并在定语从句作介词of的宾语, one of which一起作为整体作非限制性定语从句主语, is为定语系动词,interesting为定语表语. 介词of 表示个体与整体之间的关系, one of which(books)=很多书中的其中一本

2She is the girl to whose father I talked yesterday. =She is the girl and I talked to her father yesterday.


解答:to whose father I talked yesterday为定语从句修饰the girl.  whose father为介词to 宾语,I 定语从句主语,talked为定语从句谓语动词,to whose father为介词短语作对象状语,结构talk to sb=和某人谈话。yesterday为定语从句时间状语。whose father=the father of whom =the girl's father=the father of the girl=这个女孩的父亲。

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