2 定语从句和宾语从句以及插入语


The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at ______ I thought was a dangerous speed.

A. as B. which C. what D. that


at+which相当于副词,功能为状语,I thought was a dangerous speed缺主语,而状语无法充当主语,从而前后矛盾,所以错误。不知道我分析的是否正确?



1.What do you think has happened to her这里边do you think是插入语,那么What do you think of your new department中,do you think还是插入语吗?How do you thinkHow do you like…又是怎样的呢?

3.What do you think that Sally will do中,怎么又有that了呢?这时do you think还是插入语吗?

4.How much do you think he earns every day中,是否省略了that

5.What do you think that happened to him,这句话是不是病句?

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最佳答案 2022-10-03 13:54

The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at ______ I thought was a dangerous speed.

A. as B. which C. what D. that

解答如下:以上C为正确答案,at what I thought was a dangerous speed.为介词宾语从句, 即介词“at”+what引导的宾语从句,what 引导的宾语从句属于嵌入式宾语从句《备注:有的人把I thought当作插入语理解》,what作宾语从句的主语成分。

如果选择B/D,则按照定语从句理解,at which作状语,与句子意思发生逻辑错误,that引导定语从句,不能放在介词后作宾语。


【AWhat do you think has happened to her

解答:以上“do you think”为插入语用来表达说话人的观点,what在特殊疑问句充当主语成分。后面结构用陈述语序。

备注:what为宾语从句主语,has happened为宾语从句谓语动词,to her为宾语从句对象状语。do you think为插入语。


I think a car accident has happened to her.


1What do you think has happened to her?正确

2Do you think what has happened to her?错误

【BWhat do you think of your new department

 解答如下:以上“do you think”不是插入语结构,而是一个特殊疑问句+一般疑问句结构“What do you think of +名词(sth)=你认为某物怎么样” what为谓语动词think 的间接宾语,do为疑问助动词(操作词),you为主语,of your new department为直接宾语,即结构为:think sth of sth/sb 对某人/某物评价怎样

The Director thought a good deal of his work.主任对他的工作评价很高。

 They think much of psychiatrists.他们对精神科医生评价很高。

备注:What do you think of +名词(sth)=How do you like +名词(sth)?

【CWhat do you think that Sally will do中,


以上“that”是多余的,应该去掉:正确应该是What do you think Sally will do? “do you think”可以按照插入语理解”what在句子作will do的宾语成分。

备注:what为宾语从句宾语成分,will do为宾语从句谓语动词,Sally为宾语从句主语成分,do you think为插入语。

【DHow much do you think he earns every day


以上“do you think”为插入语,how much在句子作谓语动词“earns”的宾语成分。

备注:how much为宾语从句宾语,earns为宾语从句谓语动词,he为宾语从句主语。do you think为插入语。


I think he earns three hundred USD every day.


【1How much do you think he earns every day?正确

【2Do you think how much he earns every day?错误

 【EWhat do you think that happened to him,这句话是不是病句?


以上“that”为多余成分。正确应该是“What do you think happened to him?”


【1特殊疑问词+do you think +主语+谓语动词

备注:在1句型中 疑问句代词在句中不作主语,即不作宾语从句主语,而是作句子其它成分。

【2特殊疑问词+do you think+谓语动词

备注:在2 句型中 疑问句代词在句中作主语,即作宾语从句主语。


I think a car accident happened to him.


【1What do you think happened to him?正确

【2Do you think what happened to him?错误

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