no good 与 not good 的区别

A knife is no good. You need a screwdriver to do the job properly.

这里为什么用 not good 而不用 not good 呢?可以改为 not good 吗?

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最佳答案 2015-11-15 14:56

1. no good 的用法说明

no good 中的 good 是名词(不可数),no good 的意思是“差强人意”“低劣”“差劲”“没用”“没好处”"没益处“等。如:

It’s no good—I can’t reach. 没有用,我够不到。

That’s no good—just chuck it. 那东西毫无用处,扔掉好啦。

Shoes are no good if they let in water. 鞋子如果透水的话,品质就不好。

另有常用句式It’s no good doing sth(做某事没有用或没有好处)

It is no good talking. 空谈是没有用的。 

Is it any good trying to explain? 试图作些解释有好处没有?

It’s no good his [him] apologizing now. 现在他道歉也没用了。

2. not good 的用法说明

not good 中的 good 是形容词,意思是“不好”,是“好”的反面。如:

Your work is just not good enough. 你的工作真是不够好。

It’s not good to drink alcohol on an empty stomach. 空肚子喝酒不好。

The situation is not good but we live in hope that it will improve. 情况不好,但我们依然希望会好转。

They say smoking is not good for the health, this I believe. 人家都说吸烟不利于健康,这一点我相信。

3. 用法比较:

由于两者在意义上的区别,以下各句中的 no good 和 not good 不宜换用:

It’s not good for the oil tank to be so close to the house. 储油罐离这所房子这么近不好。

Food aid is no good until the fighting stops. 在战斗停止之前,食物援助是没什么用处的。

That does it! All you can ever do is criticize. If I’m no good to you, then maybe someone else will value my work. I’m leaving. 够了! 你就知道骂人,要是我对你没有一点用,也许有人会希罕我这项工作,我这就走。


I’m not good at typing. 我不擅长打字。(good是形容词)

I’m no good at typing. 我打字不行。(good是名词)


I was never very good at maths. 我数学向来就不好。(good是形容词)

I was never any good at maths. 我数学向来就不好。(good是名词)

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  • 胡宝娜   提出于 2015-11-11 13:39
