15 一个词可以受两个定语从句的修饰吗(要不要and)


Fortunately, he found the money that he’d lost. 幸好他丢失的钱找到了。

We rescued the boy who fell into the river. 我们救起了掉进河里的小孩。

His speech was full of fine words which meant nothing. 他的讲话净是华而不实的词藻。

请问一个词可以受到两个或多个定语从句的修饰吗?如果可以,当一个词受到两个定语从句的修饰,请问这两个定语从句如何排列,中间要不要用并列连词 and 来连接?


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最佳答案 2015-12-22 22:11



两个或两个以上的定语从句,同时修饰一个先行词,这样的定语从句叫做并列式定语从句。并列定语从句用并列连词and 连接,如需要也可用 or 或 but 连接。

(1) The owner of the house whose wife is dead, whose son works in New York and who wants to go and live with him, is willing to sell the house at a low price.  这幢房子主人的妻子已过世,儿子在纽约工作,他想搬去和儿子一起生活,所以愿意以低价出售此房。

(2) Mr. Smith, who has a good command of French and English but who doesn’t know Chinese, finds it difficult to study Chinese literature.  史密斯先生精通法语和英语,但对中文则一无所知,所以他发现研究中国文学很困难。

(3) This is the house in which the famous man lived, which you visited 10 years ago and which becomes a museum now.  这就是那位名人居住过的房子,10年前你参观过,现在成了博物馆。

(4) I find it hard to leave the land where I have lived for 30 years and where there are sweet memories of my childhood.  我发现很难离开这片土地,我在那里生活了30年,在那里有我甜美的童年记忆。

(5) The old worker recalled that he would never forget the moment when he first met Premier Zhou and which he regarded as the happiest in all his life.  那位老工人回忆说他永远忘不了第一次与周总理相见的那一刻,那一刻被他视为人生中最幸福的一刻。

(6) Paris is a good place, where art is so popular, and which many people appreciate.  巴黎是个好地方,那里艺术很流行,很多人喜欢那个地方。


有时,定语从句的关系词与从句中的句子成分之间,插入类似I think, I know, he believed, he guessed, we expect 以及I am sure, they say 等插入语,这种定语从句被称为复合式定语从句。此种定语从句不能用并列连词连接。

(1) She had a book which she believed was bought by her father at a dear price.  她有一本父亲送她的书,她相信是父亲花了大价钱专门买来送她的。

(2) She has an adopted child who she says was an orphan.  她有一个养子,据她所言,这个孩子以前是个孤儿

(3) Can you mention anyone that we know who is so talented as he?  在我们认识的人中,你说还有谁像他一样有才华?

(4) She is the only girl that I know who can play the guitar.  她是我所认识的唯一会弹吉他的女孩。

(5) Is there anything else you'd like you don't see on the shelves?  有没有别的你喜欢的东西,现在架子上还没有?

(6) Jocelyn is the only person who we expect will win.  乔斯林是我们期望唯一能胜的人。

(7) Many college students have mastered computer, driving and foreign languages,which (8) We all know are the most important things in today's society.  很多大学生都掌握了计算机、驾驶和外语,我们都知道这些在当今社会是非常重要的。

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