
They kept all the doors locked. 他们把所有的门都锁上了。

We found him greatly changed. 我们发现他变化很大。

两句中的过去分词 looked, changed 是宾语补足语,对吧?


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最佳答案 2015-11-13 07:17

1. acknowledge
They acknowledged themselves defeated. 他们承认自己被击败。
2. consider
Everyone considered it greatly improved. 大家都认为它有大改进。
3. declare
I declare Alvin Schiff elected. 我宣布阿尔文•席夫当选。
4. feel
I felt myself called upon to do something to help. 我感到有责任给予帮助。
He felt himself attracted by the idea. 他感到自己被这想法所吸引。
5. find
We found all our seats occupied. 我们发现我们所有的位子都被占了。
He found the door locked, but he forced an entry. 他发现门锁着,却还是破门而入。
6. get
Go and get your hair cut. 去把头发剪一下。
We’ll have to get the car repaired before Tuesday. 我们必须在星期二以前把汽车修好。
7. have
Can I have this parcel weighed here? 我可以在这儿称一下这个包裹吗?
We now have the problem solved. 我们现已把这个问题解决了。
I won’t have my house turned into a hotel. 我不许把我的房子变成旅馆。
8. hear
I heard my name called. 我听到有人叫我的名字。
I've heard him criticized many times. 我曾听见他多次受到批评。
9. keep
We’ll keep you informed of how things are going with us. 我们将让你了解我们这儿的情况。
10. leave
He left his dog tied up to a tree. 他把狗拴在了树上。
11. like
I should like this matter settled immediately. 我愿意这事立即解决。
I’d like this broken chair repaired. 我想请人修理这张坏了的椅子。
12. make
She had to shout to make herself heard. 她必须大声喊才能让人听见她说话。
Can you make yourself understood in English? 你能用英语把意思表达清楚吗?
13. need
I need this jacket mended. 我需要找人修补这件夹克。
14. notice
I noticed their car parked outside. 我注意到他们的车子停在外面。
15. prefer
We preferred the house painted white. 我们宁愿把房子漆成白色。
16. order
He ordered his captives executed right away. 他命令把俘虏立即枪决。
17. see
I saw him taken away by the police. 我看到他被警察带走了。
It pains me to see food wasted. 看到食物被白白地浪费,我很心疼。
18. want
We want this problem solved quickly. 我们要这个问题尽快解决。
I don’t want my daughter taken out after dark. 我不愿意我女儿天黑了被人带出去。
19. watch
He watched the typewriter carried out of the door. 他瞧着打字机被搬出屋去。
He watched the television set carried out of the door. 他瞧着电视机被搬出门去。
20. wish
He didn’t wish it mentioned. 他不希望这事被提到。
He didn’t wish it mentioned. 他不愿谁提及此事。

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  • 王英   提出于 2015-11-10 13:37
