
感觉 whether…or…通常是状语从句的。如:

Whether rightly or wrongly, they criticize me. 无论是对还是错,他们都批评我。

Whether we go by bus or train, it’ll take at least six hours. 不管我们是乘公共汽车还是坐火车,至少得花六小时。


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最佳答案 2015-11-12 15:14

你说的 whether…or… 可以引导名词性从句的。
1. 引导主语从句
Whether they win or lose is all the same to me. 他们是赢是输于我都一样。
Whether you are masom or carpenter makes no difference. 不管你是瓦工或是木工,都一个样。
Whether it will do us harm or good remains to be seen. 这事会对我们有害还是有益,还要等等看。
Whether you wear the red dress or the blue is really unimportant! 你穿红裙子还是蓝裙子实在是无关紧要的!
2. 引导宾语从句
I wondered whether I should write or phone. 我不知道应该写信还是应该打电话。
The travel agent asked whether I wanted to go by air or by sea. 旅游商问我是想乘飞机走,还是想乘船走。
He asked whether I wanted to insure my luggage or not. 他问我是否要给行李保险。
He asked whether he was to lock the car or leave it unlocked. 他问是否该把汽车锁上,还是不用锁。
3. 引导表语从句
The key issue was whether the four defendants acted honestly or dishonestly. 关键问题是4名被告是否存在欺诈行为。
The only remaining question is whether we can raise the money or not. 唯一剩下的问题,就是我们能否筹到这笔钱。
The acid test of a good driver is whether he or she remains calm in an emergency. 在紧急情况下能否保持冷静是对一个好司机的严峻考验。

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  • 丁江朋   提出于 2015-11-10 11:34
