5 I have been fabulous through to fight my town a name .


1. through 是介词  它的宾语是不定式 to fight my town 吗?

2. a name 做什么成分?

3. 这句话怎么翻译?

4.The star posted a series of photos of herself on Instagram ,her expression  oscillating between detached, sleepy,and slightly mournful.

请问一下, oscillating 做定语修饰 expression 吗? between 后边不是应该加名词吗?为什么是三个形容词?

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最佳答案 2022-06-30 19:19

1. through 不是介词,应该是副词,因为修饰fabulous. 意思=thoroughly. 用法类似于:I'm wet through的用法。 to fight my town a name是目的状语。

2. a name 是fight的宾语。此句因出自流行歌词,我想作者为了和下一句的最后一个词same 押韵,对句子结构进行了处理,把name放在句末,采用了verb+双宾语的结构。to fight my town a name =to win a good name for my town. 

3. 这句的大概意思是:为了让我的小镇名震一方,我已竭尽全力在奋斗。

4.  her expression oscillating... 应该看作独立主格结构。 between 后用三个形容词,表示表情的变化。有些介词,如between, from ...to...有时可以接形容词。我给你提供两个例句:

1.  As the level of work increased from light to heavy, workers ate more. (柯林斯词典例句)

2. EEC countries flourished during the 1960s, and Western Europe transformed from hungry to prosperous. (出自National Geographic 美国国家地理杂志)

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  • 孙跃 提出于 2022-06-25 19:28