10 be able to后到底能不能接动词的被动式

关于 be able to 后能不能接被动式的问题,有点乱:有的人说不可以,有的人说可以。网上说法也有不一致的地方。请专家老师梳理一下比较权威的观点,让我们心里有个定数。

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最佳答案 2015-11-13 23:37

是的,be able to 后面的动词通常不用被动式。不少权威语法书和词典都对该对观点有所阐述。如:
1.《葛传椝英语惯用法词典》在 able 词条指出:able 后面的不定式通常不属于被动语态,如通常不说 The mistake is able to be corrected,最好改作 The mistake is capable of being corrected。
2.《牛津英语用法指南》(第二版)在第3节的 able 词条指出:able后面一般不接动词不定式的被动式。
He can’t be understood. 他让人无法理解。 (不能说:He’s not able to be understood.)
如果在阅读中碰到 be able to 后面接动词被动式的用法,应视为非规范用法,建议初学者在考试时避免使用。



▲以下辞书认为:be able to 后不能接不定式的被动式:

1.《英语用法指南》(第二版,Michael Swan 著,外语教学与研究出版社)第4页:

able 后面一般不接动词不定式的被动式。

He can’t be understood. 他让人无法理解。

(不能说:He’s not able to be understood.)



able 后面常跟动词不定式的主动式。be able to 的主语一般不能是物,不能接被动的不定式,应试时应遵守这条规则。


able 接不定式,只能接肯定的不定式,不能接被动的不定式。



以下情况不用 be able to:




be able to 通常不与被动语态连用。

6. 《英语惯用法词典》(葛传椝编著,上海译文出版社)第13页:

able 后面的不定式通常不属于被动语态,如通常不说 The mistake is able to be corrected,最好改作 The mistake is capable of being corrected。

▲以下辞书认为:be able to 后可以接不定式被动式,但同时认为这样的用法较不普通、较不常见、较不自然:


a shoe still able to be repaired 一只尚可修补的鞋子(此例用法不如 a shoe still capable of being repaired 常见)


较不普通:The machine is able to be repaired.

                     I am afraid she is not able to be taught to sing so well as her sister.

较普通:The machine is capable of being repaired.

                The machine can be repaired.

                 I am afraid she is incapable of being taught to sing so well as her sister.

                 I am afraid she cannot be taught to sing so well as her sister.

3.《英语用法指南》(第三版,Michael Swan 著,外研社翻译出版)第4页:

able 后面一般不接动词不定式的被动式。

He can’t be understood. 他让人无法理解。(比 He’s not able to be understood. 自然。)


be able to 后接动词的被动语态不及后接动词的主动语态普遍。



He was able to be heard.

He could be heard.


able 通常指自身的能力,所以,它的后面一般接主动式的动词不定式,下列各组的第一句比第二句自然,更符合习惯:

He speaks so loudly that he can be heard.

He speaks so loudly that he is able to be heard.

He could be heard.

He was able to be heard.

He cannot be reached.

He is not able to be reached.

通过以上观点可以看出,有不少语法学家认为 be able to 后不能接不定式被动式,也有不少语法学家认为 be able to 后可以接不定式被动式,但大多注明这样的用法较不普通、较不常见、较不自然。对于这样的语法现象,我在上次的解答中给出的意见是“建议初学者在考试时避免使用”,我觉得这样的建议还算是恰当的(《薄冰英语惯用法词典》也有类似建议:……应试时应遵守这条规则)。

当然,语言是发展的,这从上面引用的一些观点中也可以看出来,Michael Swan 在《英语用法指南》的第二版中认为“不能说:He’s not able to be understood”,而在第三版中则认为“He can’t be understood 比 He’s not able to be understood 自然”。很显然,第二版认为 be able to 后是否接不定式的被动式属于“正误问题”,而第三版则认为 be able to 后是否接不定式的被动式属于“好坏问题”。

我上次的解答主要是针对初学者或学生参加考试而言的,如果是针对老师或英语研究者,则完全不必这样“保守”,刘老师认为:只要人作主语,那么 be able to 后面的不定式,用主动或被动应该都可以。其实对于研究者来说,我觉得完全可以更“激进”一些,完全可以认为:不管是人还是物作主语,be able to 后面的不定式用主动或被动都是可能的。以人作主语的例子我就不列举了,下面给出两个以物作主语的例子(来自原版词典而不是语料库):

The brakes were able to be fixed.(《美国英语传统词典》able 词条)

The car wasn’t able to be repaired. [=could not be repaired](《韦氏高阶英语词典》able 词条)

最后说说语料库的引用问题。我个人觉得,像 NBC、COCA 这类语料库确实是些好东西,为英语学习者和研究者提供了海量的信息参考,而且现在英美国家一些权威词典也都是根据语料库来编写的,但有一点需要说明,那就是如何从语料库中选择语料是很有学问的,是很需要专业素养的,因为语料库收录的材料只表明语言实际中有人在使用,但到底是否规范,则需要那些“主流”的语言学专家来甄别和审查。尽管从 COCA 中可以查出不少 be able to 后接不定式被动式的例证,这只能说明英美国家有人在这样用,但这样的用法是否“普通”,是否“常见”,是否“自然”,还得听听那些“主流”语言学专家的“意见”。为了验证语料库里材料的“规范性”,我在 COCA 里输入 enjoy to 试了一下,结果查出了不少 enjoy 后接不定式的例证:

I love to laugh. I enjoy to exercise, being outside and I like to socialize with family and friends.

It must be exciting and fun and something that you enjoy to do to keep up with it for the rest of your life. 

What kind of things do the two of you enjoy to do?

I will enjoy to talk later. 

Well, we always say that it's very French to smoke because French people enjoy to talk, drink and smoke all night if possible. 

I'd greatly enjoy to have the writing of your will.

I did enjoy to read the same books as they. 

I'd enjoy to have a beagle pup and a glass-top showcase for my arrowheads. 

And we certainly would enjoy to have as many visitors here as possible. 

Finally, a student is someone who may even enjoy to learn on his own more than anything else.

I do not enjoy to speak like child. 


仅以上面最后一句为例,不仅 enjoy to speak 这样的表达在“规范英语”中是个问题,句末的 like child 也很显然是个问题。仅仅8个单词的短句,就有两处“问题”,这足可看出语料库中有些材料的“规范性”存在很大“问题”。所以,对于语料库的引用,我个人的看法是,可以参考,但不宜不加分析地引以作为论据,尤其是一些尚有争论的东西,最好不要介绍给学生或初学者在考试中使用(如果一个学生在考试中写出 I do not enjoy to speak like child 这样的句子,其后果是可想而知的)。作为初学者或学生在考试中使用的应该是一些有“定论”的东西,而不是语言学家们尚在研究或有争论的东西,也不宜是语言学家们认为“不普通”、“不常见”、“不自然”的东西。


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其它 1 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编


        ★★★★★                                      ★★★★★                                      ★★★★★




1.  able 指人的“能力”,原则上“人”作主语是非常容易理解的。如果“物”作主语,从逻辑上讲,甭说是被动语态,即便是主动语态也不合乎常理。我们不会说:The meeting is able to take place this afternoon. 更何况说The meeting is able to be held this afternoon.

所以,葛传槼先生说这个句子是错的:The mistake is able to be corrected.  我一开始就赞同。

2.  can 和be able to 有着较多的区别,我在前面已经提到。正是因为这些差别,才出现了不同的用法。当表示“推测”和“许可”时,be able to 无法替代它。因此,以下两句只能用can,不能用be able to,更不用说是被动了。

The baby can't be hungry. I fed him with milk just now. (表推测)


You can use my computer this morning. (表许可)


3.  反过来,could 虽然表示“(过去)有能力做某事”,但不表示“结果”,而was able to 除了表示“(过去)有能力做某事”外,还有一层重要的意思,就是表结果:“设法做了某事(managed to do sth.)”,“成功地做了某事(succeeded in doing sth.)”。以下两句都是被动语态,其中的be able to 是不能用could 代替的。

The fire was very big, but most people were able to be rescued. (不用could)


She was able to be persuaded by me though she was stubborn. (不用could)


4.  我的解答,并非全盘否认。英语前辈们总结出的规则应该说没有错,但不够完整、不够全面的情况,也是存在的,所给的例句只是反映某个侧面,而且没有说明“这是为什么”。好了,我的解答到此为止,谢谢陈老师和网友们的关注。(2015,11,11 晚)





我不完全同意陈老师的解答。我个人认为,able 这个词是指“人”的能力。也就是说,它的主语一般应该是“人”,而不是“物”。从这一点考虑,只要人作主语,那么be able to 后面的不定式,用主动或被动应该都可以。但是,如果说Something is able to be done. 则似乎讲不通,原因是主语不是“人”,而是“物”。这是从逻辑方面判断和理解的。例如:

可以说:I am able to correct the mistake.

但The mistake is able to be corrected. 似乎就讲不通。


She was able to be persuaded by me though she was stubborn.


Make sure that you are able to be seen by cars when crossing the street.


我也查阅了《葛传椝英语惯用法词典》(2012年版)和《牛津英语用法指南》(第3版)的有关用法。葛传槼教授的例句The mistake is able to be corrected. 跟Michael Swan 的例句不一样,后者的例句主语仍然是“人”。 《牛津英语用法指南》并没有说He’s not able to be understood. 不正确,而是说He can’t be understood. 比He’s not able to be understood.自然。

此外,我输入able to be,查阅了美国语料库Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA),得到的结果是:1309例。

其中,“able to be + 表语”占了一定的比例;而“able to be +过去分词”(被动结构)也占了很大的比例。(1309例一共14页,每页100例。以下是从第1页100个例句范围内摘录的,约占40%)由此可以看出:be able to +不定式的被动式,在现实语言中十分常见。


the three bruises which were able to be seen on the right side of the scalp.

to be able to be put in the position of the federal government

a system there to be able to be inserted

They're not going to be able to be erased

And instead of being able to be presented with both sides of the story, it's very polarized

This, you know, notion of gift cards being able to be used

you truly believe in and being able to be balanced

unemployed young men who are able to be manipulated by either

I think that that choice should at least be able to be discussed and open to them.

I feel my community has been able to be recognized finally

I designed it in such a way that it would be able to be used for the prep and the finishing of food

students with any missing data beyond the first two measurement occasions were able to be included in our observation models

that their PWS group was able to be subdivided on the participants' pretreatment assessment

Lots of great jokes will be able -- were able to be made at her expense through the night

before families are able to be notified

they are - never be able to be traced back.

I mean, things that would never have been able to be played on the radio

she shouldn't able to be enriched by it

Able to be exploited along with all the rest

for that to be able to be translated into the product

Being able to be coached by a college coach got us ready for the next level

and able to be manipulated by its smaller, stronger neighbors

what was once only able to be given to us through paper

The schools under other countries are able to be developed or revised in accordance with

while the two patients with lateral incisions and soft tissue infection were able to be treated with oral antibiotics

The survey was designed to be able to be completed within a single 50-minute class period

which must be able to be put into phrases

beta-blockers may be able to be initiated before ACE inhibition

their hybrid condition or cultivation is able to be remarked upon

▲有一个问题需要注意:could表示“(过去)有能力做某事”,但不表示“结果”,而was able to 除了表示“(过去)有能力做某事”外,还有一层重要的意思,就是表示结果:“设法做了某事(managed to do sth.)”,“成功地做了某事(succeeded in doing sth.)”。例如:

 She was able to be persuaded by me though she was stubborn. 虽然她固执,但还是能够被我说服了。

这句话如果改为:She could be persuaded by me though she was stubborn. 反而不正确。


由于be able to 只表示“能力”,而can 除了表示“能力”之外,还可表示“推测”和“许可”,所以,can be done 的用法,语境广泛,限制较小;而be able to be done 的用法,限制相对较大。

1. 当句子主语为“物”时,应避免在be able to 后使用被动结构。

2. 当句子的主语为“人”时,可以在be able to 后使用被动结构。

3. 当表达过去“设法做了某事”时,应该用was/were able to be done,而不用could be done。例如:She was able to be persuaded by me though she was stubborn. 不说 She could be persuaded by me though she was stubborn.

4. 当表示“推测”时,只能使用can't be done, 不能用be able to be done。道理就是,后者没有“推测”的用法。

非常遗憾的是,葛传槼教授只是给了一个“物”作主语的例句:The mistake is able to be corrected. 而Swan 先生给的例句虽然是“人”作主语,但对于He can't be understood. 这个句子,是表“推测”还是表“能力”,属于“模棱两可”,所以,《牛津英语用法指南》的解释,也没有完全否认He is not able to be understood.



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