
______ he gets such high mark in math

he has ______ hard so long, since last term

A. why, been working

B. how come, been working

C. how, worked

问题1:现在完成时和现在完成进行时不是都可以表示“一直”这个含义吗?如 I have lived here for 3 years.

问题2:how come =why ,所以 A、B 选择一样吧。

问题3:就此题来说用 how 和 why 感觉都行吧,为什么有一个是错的呢。


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最佳答案 2015-11-04 18:57

—_______ he gets such a high mark in math?
—He has ______ hard so long since last term.
A. Why, been working
B. How come, been working
C. How, worked
你说得没错,这道题第二空填现在完成时和现在完成进行时都可以,真正决定本题答案的不是第二空,而是第一空,因为从第一空来看,只能填 how come,不能填 why,这与第一空后面的词序有关:如果填 why,则其后必须要用疑问句词序(但你的句子不是疑问句词序)。如:
Why were you absent yesterday? 你昨天为什么缺席?
Why did you dig out all these old magazines? 你为什么把这些旧杂志翻出来?
Why did you choose that one in particular? 你为什么特别挑选那一个呢?
Why did you absent yourself from school yesterday? 昨天你为何不到校?
至于 how come,它是一个固定句式,主要用于美国口语,相当于 why,但它的后面是接句子,句子可用各种时态,但how come本身没有时态变化:
How come you were there? 你怎么会在那儿?
How come you haven’t read this book? 你怎么没读过这本书?
How come it that you didn’t get here in time? 怎么搞的你没及时到达这里?
How come he got the job when she was the best-qualified person? 她是资历最佳的人选,怎么得到那个职位的会是他?

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