over the next few years可以用于哪些时态

前面看到有网友问到 over the next 20 years 与 in the next 20 years,很受收获!

我想到另外一个问题:over the next 20 years, over the next five years, over the next few years 等短语通常是连用什么时态呢?表示“在未来的多少年”,按道理应该是用将来时态吧,但怎么我看到前面老师的解答中可用好多种时态呢?麻烦老师解答一下,非常感谢!

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最佳答案 2015-10-30 16:15

over the next few years 不仅表示“在未来的几年里”,而且还表示“在其后的几年里”,所以可以根据语境的需要来选定时态。如:

1. 一般过去时

Over the next 150 years, many others followed his lead. 随后150年,许多人效法于他。

Over the next few days they got to know the town well. 在以后几天中,他们逐渐熟悉了这个小镇。

2. 将来时态

The computer wars are going to get vicious over the next few years. 计算机行业的竞争在未来几年将愈演愈烈。

The debate will play out in the meetings and in the media over the next week or two. 近一两个星期内,辩论将在会议中进行,并将在传媒中宣传。

3. 进行时态(表示将来意义)

Turkey is expecting an influx of several thousand refugees over the next few days. 涌入土耳其的难民预计会达几千人。

Over the next two years, the theatre is putting on the complete works of Brecht. 今后两年剧院将上演布莱希特的全部戏剧。

4. 将来进行时

The bank will be making 3 500 redundancies over the next five years. 在未来5 年内该银行将裁员3,500 人。


We can expect to see an improvement in the weather over the next few days. 我们预计未来几天天气转好。

He told supporters to stand fast over the next few vital days. 他叫支持者在接下来的几个重要日子里站稳立场。

A million people are expected to visit the museum over the next 12 months. 预计在未来的12 个月中将有100万人参观这个博物馆。

My reading of the situation is that this conflict is likely to get worse over the next few months. 对于这一局势,我的看法是今后几个月内这场冲突会愈演愈烈。

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  • 江才敏   提出于 2015-10-30 13:38
