2 关于because只能引导状语从句的问题


1. This is because they must share expensive facilities.


(is相当于happens, because引导的是状语)

2. The accident was because the driver was too careless.

(在这里,was的真正意思是happened , because实际是状语。)

3.It is because my cousin makes me forget that she makes me better.




由以上三句可以总结出,主语是表示“事件”的名词或代词,because可以跟在is/was的后面作状语,而且is/was相当于动词happen的作用。那么,Just because they can't sing opera or ride a bicycle doesn't mean that animals don't have culture

这句话该按照以上的方法 (because只能引导状语从句的方法) 该怎么解释呢? 哪个是主语? 我知道有的老师为了方便理解和教学,已经默认because可以引导主语从句,表语从句,但我只是想开拓一下思路,研究的跟深入一些。

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最佳答案 2022-04-15 20:36

换一个角度看问题,就会变得容易理解了。按照你的思路,把because从句分析为一个副词性从句,所以because从句绝大多数情况下是作原因状语。即使because从句用作be之后,有人分析为because从句做了表语,你也可以把be分析为不及物动词happentake place,认为because从句仍然是副词性从句作状语。至于because从句位于主语位置,其实这是一个固定句式:Just because... does't mean...。对此的解释可以是这样:这个because从句作主语其实是人们犯的一个逻辑错误,其实作主语的应该是一个that引导的名词性从句。例如,(The factThat they can't sing opera or ride a bicycle doesn't mean that animals don't have culture. 人们误把一个that从句用because引导了。这就好比下面的句子:The reason why he was late was that his mother was ill. 表语从句解释迟到的原因是什么,应该用that引导一个陈述句来说明这个原因。但是实际上会有不少人用because引导表语从句,把句子说成了The reason why he was late was because his mother was ill.  考试时如果用because是会按照错误判分的。这种错误和用because从句作主语是类似的,即作主语的because从句其实是陈述一个事实,而不是表示一个原因。逻辑是:这个事实并不意味着另一个事实。而不应该是:因为一个事实并不意味着另一个事实。由于犯这种逻辑错误的人很多,法不责众,这种句式就被人们所接受。这并不意味着because从句可以随便作主语。例如:Because I am hungry means that I need to eat something. 没有人会认为这个句子是正确的。所以,Just because they can't sing opera or ride a bicycle doesn't mean that animals don't have culture. 这个句式的存在,并不影响你对because从句性质的理解和分析。

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其它 2 个回答



1. 网友不能把这种理解固化,以你句3 为例:It is because my cousin makes me forget that she makes me better. 你认为“it指代具体的“事件”,is相当于happens”,这只能是你自己的理解,并不一定是英语的原意。很多句子是要根据语境判断的。以我个人的理解,不一定是这样。通过这种句式it指reason, 只有在语境明确的情况下才可以理解为代某件事。你的句1的this,也是同样道理。英语的思维通常是这样,所以才有the reason is because... 的用法,虽然这样用不太符合严谨的语法规则,但这种用法,在英文报刊杂志经常看到,因为说话人就是这么思维的。

2.Just because they can't sing opera or ride a bicycle doesn't mean that animals don't have culture.

这个句子是口语简化造成的。因此这种句式多见于口语,属于特殊句式。它的初始构成应该是:Just because they can't sing opera or ride a bicycle, it doesn't mean that animals don't have culture. 


因为口语倾向简化,这个句子在口语里进化为没有it了,因为也不影响理解,形成了这样的Just because...doesn't mean... 的固定句式,但主句必须是否等,如果是肯定,不能这样用。后来也出现在非正式文体的书面语中。这在英语中属于特殊句式,不能用普通的句法规则来理解。

请看例句;Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me.《剑桥词典》归为idiom.


英国一个英语教学网站对此用法的解释:"Just because...doesn't mean...":We use this expression to say that there is no logical connection between two things.

该网站例句:Just because he speaks English doesn't mean he is English.


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foster - 大学老师


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