while 从句时态疑惑



I was running a few errands in my car the other day. The sun was outthe radio was playing a joyful song, I was singing along. Then it happened, however, The sweet sound of the music ended and the news break began.


I drove on while the news started. Gas prices were getting high again. The race for the presidency was getting much tighter. Fights broke out when the fans of a sports team went wild while celebrating their team's win.


Finally I could take no more and turned off the radio. Silence seemed preferable to listening to anything else about the crazy and competitive world others all the time we live in. I slowed down as I entered a local town and watched the people as I drove by.


A man was helping an elderly lady out of a car and helping her walk into a store. A smiling woman was throwing some grain into her backyard while dozens of birds flew down to enjoy the food before them.

A young man was walking along ,carrying his 2-year-old daughter safely He tickled her gently when she pulled the hat off his head and they both laughed.

I laughed too as I looked at all of this kindness. Although the music was off, I felt my heart singing.


In truth, this world could use a little more kindness and a lot less competition. Kindness makes us all winners in life and shows us that we don't have to beat others all the time.


1) I drove on while the news started. - 这里使用while错误吗?应该使用when ?另外是否应该用进行时,即改成 I was driving on when the news started ?


2) 这一句A smiling woman was throwing some grain into her backyard while dozens of birds flew down to enjoy the food before them. 时态是否有问题?

为什么主句使用了进行时,而while从句却使用了过去式?while从句是否也应该使用进行时即was flying:

应该是 A smiling woman was throwing some grain into her backyard while dozens of birds was flying down to enjoy the food before them.



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最佳答案 2022-04-11 13:25

1 while引导时间从句时,从句谓语通常是不能用非延续动词的。所以这里应该是作者的疏忽,改为while the news was broadcast.  这样主句和从句都是延续性动词,都用一般体。

2 throw是非延续动词,用进行体表示撒的动作是重复发生的。fly为延续性动词,用一般体就可以表示很多的鸟飞下来。这样不断撒的动作和不断有鸟飞下来吃食同时发生。

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  • lqd52 提出于 2022-04-02 13:31