1. Head down against the onslaught of flakes, she more ran than walked across the quadrangle.
Patricia Houck Sprinkle,Murder at Markham, 2001 p.52
2. Instantly Rollo more ran than walked in, disheveled and eager.
Alan Burt Akers,The Lohvian Cycle II: The twelfth Dray Prescot Omnibus, 2014, p 648
3. She examined the corpse another moment and then all of a sudden scooped it up and more ran than walked to the front door.
Purdue University's Department of English:Sycamore Review Vol. 17, 2005, p.77
4. She showed me into her very clean warm kitchen , though the water more ran than dropped from me.
Bord Failte-Irish Tourist Board, Ireland of the Welcomes, 1977, Vol. 26, p.33
5. I was more running than walking when I made my way back to the room with the rivers.
Stephenie Meyer, The Host, 2009
6. In such great hurry he was more running than walking and hadn't even buckled his shoes.
Pierre La Mure, Beyond Desire, 1955, p.5