was low lying 语法分析

One bad winter we watched the river creep up the lower meadows. All the cattle had been moved into stalls and we stood to lose little. We were, however, worried about our nearest neighbors, whose farm was low lying and who were newcomers to the district. As the floods had put the telephone out of order, we could not find out how they were managing. From an attic window we could get a sweeping view of the river where their land joined ours, and at the most critical juncture we took turns in watching that point. The first sign of disaster was a dead sheep floating down. Next came a horse, swimming bravely, but we were afraid that the strength of the current would prevent its landing anywhere before it became exhausted. Suddenly a raft appeared, looking rather like Noah's ark, carrying the whole family, a few hens, the dogs, cat, and bird in a cage. We realized that they must have become unduly frightened by the rising flood, for their house, which had sound foundations, would have stood stoutly even if it had been almost submerged. The men of our family waded down through our flooded meadows with boathooks, in the hope of being able to grapple a corner of the raft and pull it out of the current towards our bank. We still think it a miracle that they were able to do so.


1was low lying 怎么语法分析? so替换了什么?可否用it替换,...able to do it. 呢?二种替换区别?

2dogs前加了定冠词the, 其他动物前没加,是否暗示着:西方文化是把狗看作家庭一员(前面的the whole family)?

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最佳答案 2022-03-30 14:23

1 low lying是合成形容词,地势低洼的。形容词作表语。do it动词替代动宾结构,do so通常替代动状结构或动词+宾语+状语。有时也可互相替换。具体可参读章振邦新编高级英语语法动词替代一节。

2 the dogs, cat and bird... cat bird前的定冠词承前省略了。

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