

(1) Now he was back. 现在他回来了。
(2) He had no idea how anxious his wife was back in Mexico. 他不晓得他妻子在墨西哥老家是多么的着急。
(3) There are no dusty cassette-tape fragments among the ancient bones, for example, to tell us how language was back in the early stages. (George Yule, The Study of Language, p. 1) 古代骨骼堆中,又没有带尘土的录音带碎片来告诉我们,在那些远古时代,语言是怎么样的。

(4) For one night, New York City was as it was back before air conditioning. 纽约市有一夜简直就像昔日没有发明空调之前那样子。

这四句都有 was back,但是在第一句中,back 同前面的 was 直接结合;在后三句中,back同前面的 was 没有直接关系,是用来加强后面时间状语的“老家”或“昔日”的意义。

疑问:这个 back 貌似只有加强语气的作用,怎么翻译出英文中 back 的意思呢?

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最佳答案 2015-10-15 15:05

从句法上看,以上各句中的 back 仍是表语,后面的介词短语为状语;从词义上看,你的问题中的 back 其实仍是其本义——往后,往回,往以前,在以前,回到原处,恢复原状,在(回到)以前的地方…… 比较下面各组句子:

He is home. 他在家。

He is back home. 他回到了家。

He was in Mexico. 他在墨西哥。

He was back in Mexico. 他回到了墨西哥(或他在墨西哥老家)。

He put the pencil in the case. 他把铅笔放在铅笔盒里。

He put the pencil back in the case. 他把铅笔放回铅笔盒。

He was now in the saddle as a manager. 他现在当上经理了。

He was back in the saddle as a manager. 他又当上经理了。

He dreamed that he was in the army. 他梦见自己在军队里。

He dreamed that he was back in the army. 他梦见自己又回到了军队。

The country is now firmly in the international fold. 现在这个国家已牢牢立身于国际大家庭中。

The country is now firmly back in the international fold. 现在这个国家已再次牢牢立身于国际大家庭中。

He is credited with having discovered the first recipe for gin in the 1600s. 人们认为他是17世纪发明杜松子酒调制法的人。

He is credited with having discovered the first recipe for gin back in the 1600s. 人们认为他是17世纪发明杜松子酒调制法的人。(有无back意思区别不大,但用了back,表示是追溯过去的时间)

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  • dengqianyi 提出于 2015-10-14 16:17
