
Amateur astronomer David Bates was looking at the moon through his telescope last night when he got a big surprise

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最佳答案 2022-02-26 16:26

这个when就是很多人认为是并列连词的when= and then (suddenly). 之所以认为是并列连词,是因为这个when分句是不可以移到句首的,而且改为and then 句子意思基本不变。这种when通常见于下面三种句式:Sb was doing sth/had just done sth/was about to do sth when sth else happened. 某人正在做/刚做完/刚要做某事,突然/这时另一件事发生了。不把when分析为并列连词,把when从句仍然分析为状语从句也可以,但要知道这种when从句是不能用在句首的,句义理解仍然按照上述去理解。

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  • Lewis Wu 提出于 2022-01-08 17:51