
以下是柯林斯词典关于 downward 的例句,我感觉都可以换成 down。难道是 downward 的方向感更强?此外,类似 fell down from 的短语可以换成 fell downward from 么?

  • ADV If you move or look downward, you move or look toward the ground or a lower level. 朝下地。例如:

    Benedict pointed downward again with his stick. 贝内迪克特又用他的拐杖向下指了指。

  • ADV If an amount or rate moves downward, it decreases. 下降地 [ADV after v] 例如:

    Inflation is moving firmly downward. 通货膨胀在稳步下降。

  • ADV If you want to emphasize that a statement applies to everyone in an organization, you can say that it applies from its leader downward. 往下地 ['from' n ADV] [强调]。例如:

    ...from the president downward …自总经理而下

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最佳答案 2015-10-12 18:23

用作副词的 downward(也可写成 downwards)与副词 down 均可表示“向下地”(有较强的“方向性”和“动态性”,即强调从从上往下这个方向),此时两者常可互换(你的句子中的 downward 均可换成 down)。再如:

The lift went down [downwards] from the sixth to the first floor. 电梯从6楼下降到1楼。

As the river flows down [downwards], it widens. 河越向下游越宽。

注意除了表示具有明显方向性的“向下”外,其他情况通常要用down(即down的用法要比downward 更广)。如:

Write down their names.=Write their names down. 写下他们的名字。

Can you see the fields down in the valley? 你能看见下面山谷里的田野吗?

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  • dengqianyi 提出于 2015-10-11 19:43
