4 not only…but also连接句子且置于句首时为什么不倒装

Not only the headmaster was invited, but also the students and the teachers.

这里的 not only 放在句首为什么不倒装呢?语法书上不是说要倒装的吗?

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最佳答案 2022-02-14 19:44

是的,not only…but also…用于连接两个句子且其中的not only置于句首时,其中not only后面的句子通常要用部分倒装。如:

Not only did he turn up late, but also he forgot his books. 他不但迟到,还忘了带书。

Not only can he make people laugh, but also he can make them cry as well. 他不但能让人笑,而且还能让人哭。

Not only was it quite cold on our trip, but it rained the whole time too. 我们这次出行不仅天气很冷,而且还一直下雨。

但是,你的句子有所不同,即你的句子中 not only…but also…并没有连接两个句子,而是连接同一个句子的两个主语,即:

Not only the headmaster was invited, but also the students and the teachers.

=Not only the headmaster but also the students and the teachers were invited.

请注意,你的句子 but also 后面只是一个短语,它没有动词(或谓语),为什么没有?不能说省略了,其实它共用了前面的 was invited。又如:

Not only the money was taken away, but also the jewelry and everything they had. 被抢走的不只是钱,还有珠宝以及他们所有的一切。

这类用法主要见于not only…but also…所连接的主语比较长,而谓语比较短的场合。

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其它 1 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

Not only the headmaster was invited, but also the students and the teachers.


(1)The headmaster together with the students and the teachers was invited.


(2)The students and the teachers with the headmaster were invited.

备注:如果保留“Not only和“but also ”或者改为together with就是下面的句子

1Not only +主语1+but also +主语2+谓语动词+其他(谓语动词单复数由主语2决定,就近原则)

Not only the teachers and the students but also the headmaster was invited.

Not only the headmaster but also the teachers and the students were invited.

2】名词(1)+together +名词(2)+谓语动词+其他(谓语动词单复数由名词1决定,就远原则)

The headmaster together with the students and the teachers was invited

The students and the teachers with the headmaster were invited.

备注:not only +句子(1)+but also +句子(2) 前面的分句使用倒装结构

Not only can Tom speak English, but also his sister can speak English.


Not only does Tom like music ,but also his sister’s sister likes music.


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  • 江才敏   提出于 2021-12-03 08:11