
1. The audience thereupon rose cheering to their feet.

2. He stood staring helplessly at the smoke belching from the diminishing trian.


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最佳答案 2021-12-05 11:35


He sat there smoking.他坐在那里抽着烟。(表示伴随情况或方式)

She stood on the beach,gazing at the ocean.她伫立海滩上,凝视着大海。(表示伴随情况)


Antonio remembered sending his mother an email three times last month. 安东尼记得上个月给他母亲发了三次电子邮件.(在前)

Mr. Lee went out shutting the door behind him. 李先生出去后将门随手关上。(在后)

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  • 气泡水 提出于 2021-11-29 17:06