2 句子分析

B=Inspector        C=Sergeant         D=Jim

BMorning, Sergeant. What have you got for me today?

CWe’ve got that tape from Gentleman Jim, sir. It was sent to us yesterday. They want to know if it’s all right to send it to his wife.

BAnd is it?

CI don’t know sir. I’m sure there’s message hidden in the tape, but I don’t know what it is. It’s been examined by half the police force in London, and nothing was found. But there is something very peculiar about that tape.

BWell, what is it?

CWell, sir, he talks about happy memories and things. And really, Inspector, I don’t think Gentleman Jim really feels like that about anything. I don’t think he means any of it.

means any of it.这里any of it指什么意思?

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最佳答案 2021-11-25 11:06

否定前置, I think he doesn't means any of it. 我认为他不是这个意思。这里说的是Jimtape里聊的开心的回忆和事情只是幌子,背后一定有一些机密的信息。

英语里 一般说来,当主语是一、三人称且think为否定式时,如果后接宾语从句,其否定意义通常要转移到从句上。例如:(参考牛津高阶词典)attachments-2021-11-wyduPjGZ619e37fb266cd.png

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  • Eric198226   提出于 2021-11-24 19:47