4 hundreds more 的用法

Counting objects in Japanese depends on whether they are long and thin (like "roads"), small and round (like "apples"), thin and flat (like "sheets of paper") and hundreds more examples.



另外hundreds more是一种什么用法,怎样理解?


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最佳答案 2021-11-15 09:47

1. 先说说类似的情况

网友一定见过two more, three more, four more, five more, some more, many more 之类的表达吧。如:

Two more customers came into the shop. 又有两名顾客走进店来。

Three more of the missing climbers have been found. 失踪的登山队员又有三个找到了。

There are four more rooms upstairs. 楼上有四个房间。

The series will have five more episodes. 这部连续剧还有五集。

Six more staff were fired last week. 上个星期又有六名员工被解雇。

The soldiers held on to the bridge for three more days.士兵们把这座桥守了三天。

Put some more coal on the fire. 往火里添些煤。

We need some more coffee. 我们需要些咖啡粉。

I have several more pages to read. 还有好几页要看。

I know many more people whod liketo come. 我知道还有很多人想来。

2. hundreds more的用法同上。又如:

hundreds more workers have been given the chop. 又有几百名工人被解雇。

Hundreds more people were waiting outside the jammed stadium. 还有数百人在拥挤不堪的体育场外等候。

Hundreds more refugees collapsed from thirst and hunger. 又有数百名难民由于干渴和饥饿而倒下。


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  • 尤海林   提出于 2021-11-15 06:45
