定语从句关系词前加both of


In the corner of my yard stand two trees, both of ____ are jujube trees. I have a lot of dates to eat during the harvest time.


我能理解为,这里是同一个句子,which是引导先行词tress的关系词,形成一个定语从句吗?both of 还可以加在定语从句的关系词前么?知道可以加介词,但是both of 也可以么?

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最佳答案 2021-11-14 23:52

《牛津英语用法指南》第四版237.9指出:“在非限制性从句中,of whom, of which of whose 可以和数量限定词(如 some, any, none, all, both, several, enough, many, few)连用。这类限定词通常放在 of which / whom /whose 前面,但在非常正式的文体中,有时候也可以放在其后面。”

所以,网友那道题的答案是正确的。如果用 them,句子应该是:

In the corner of my yard stand two trees, and both of them are jujube trees. I have a lot of dates to eat during the harvest time.

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