4 with sb’s support(在某人支持下)的同类表达

With the English teacher’s support, he thought senior high was easy and felt confident about his future.


这里的 with the teacher’s support 意思是在老师的支持下,这让我想起了 with sb’s help,意思是在某人的帮助下,这些汉语中的……,都用的是 with 来翻译(不用 under),我想请专家老师帮我归纳一下,还有哪些汉语中的……”可以用 with 来翻译的?而哪些则要用 under 来翻译(不包括under the tree 之类表示具体下面的用法)?谢谢!

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最佳答案 2021-11-20 19:49

1. 有时翻译汉语中的……是一种意译

with sb’s support, with sb’s help 等翻译成在某人的支持下”“在某人的帮助下,这只是一种方法,其实这样用的 with 有时表示方式,有时表示原因,在某些语境中,你把 with sb’s support, with sb’s help 翻译成(因为)有某人的支持”“(因为)有某人的帮助也不是不可以,这要看具体的语境以及相应汉语的表达习惯。

2. 对于 with sb’s help 来说

对于 with sb’s help 来说,除了用 help 外,也可以用表示类似含义的 aid, assistance 等。如:

The work was done with the aid of a computer. 这项工作在计算机的帮助下完成了。

He’ s been running the company with the assistance of his son. 他一直在儿子的帮助下经营这家公司。

With the help of advisers, the President will direct military operations. 总统将在顾问们的协助下指挥军事行动。

The Institute was built with the help of public subscriptions. 这所学院是在公众的捐助下创建的。

3. 对于 with sb’s support来说

表示在某人的支持下,如果用 support,总是用介词 with,即说 with sb’s support。又如:

The new law was passed with bipartisan support. 新的法令在两党的支持下被通过了。

有时用 with sb’s blessing 也可表示类似意思(在某人的同意下或支持下)。如:

He finally gave up his stressful job with his wife’s blessing. 在妻子的支持下,他终于辞去了他那份压力很大的工作。

He went off to Latin America with his mother’s blessing. 他在母亲的支持下去了拉丁美洲。

但如果不是用 support,而是用 aegis, auspices 等,则习惯上搭配介词 under(不用 with)。如:

The project was set up under the aegis of the university. 该企划案是在这所大学的支持下开展的。

The prisoners are being freed under international auspices. 在国际力量的支持下,这些囚徒将得到了释放。

Relief volunteers worked under the auspices of the Red Cross. 救济志愿者在红十字会的支持下进行工作。

4. 更多其他例子(搭配 under 还是 with 与相关名词的搭配习惯有关)

(1) with sb’s encouragement 在某人的鼓励下

With the encouragement of the teacher, his confidence ebbed back again. 在老师的鼓励下,他又恢复了信心。

(2) under sb’s guidance / leadership 在某人的指导/领导下:

I made a dress with my mother’s guidance. 在我母亲的指导下我做了一件连衣裙。

Students write their thesis under the guidance of the teacher. 学生在导师的指导下写论文。

The company was extremely successful under his leadership. 公司在他的领导下非常兴旺。

有时只用 under sb

She is learning to play the piano under her teacher. 她在老师的指导下学弹钢琴。

(3) under (the) cover of ……的掩护下

They escaped under cover of darkness. 他们在夜幕的掩护下逃跑了。

The soldiers moved out under the cover of darkness. 战士们在黑暗的掩护下出发了。

(4) under police escort 在警察的护送下

He arrived in court under police escort. 在警察的护送下,他到达法院。

The visiting fans returned to the railway station under police escort. 客队的球迷在警方的护送下回到火车站。

5. 有些时候汉语中的“在……下”即不用 with 也不用 under

The girls sang to the accompaniment of a piano. 姑娘们在钢琴的伴奏下演唱。

In cases like this, it’s the President that has to make the call. 在这样的情况下,必须由总统作出抉择。

The trees cast long shadows in the evening light. 树在夜晚的灯光下投下长长的影子。

I left as early as was consistent with politeness. 我在不失礼的情况下,提前离去了。

At her father’s insistence, she joined them for a drink. 在父亲的坚持下,她和他们一起喝了一杯。

A concert was held at the invitation of the mayor. 在市长的邀请下举办了一场音乐会。

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其它 1 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

under 主要用于以下几种情况


The hotel is still under construction.旅馆还在兴建中。

The matter is under investigation.此事正在调查中。


The wall collapsed under the strain.墙壁因承受不了重压而坍塌了。

I've been feeling under stress lately.我最近感到压力很大。

I'm under no illusions about what hard work this will be.对于这项工作的辛苦,我从不存错误的幻想。


Six suspects are being held under the Prevention of Terrorism Act.根据《防止恐怖法》,六个嫌疑人被拘押。

Under the terms of the lease you had no right to sublet the property.按租约条款的规定,你无权转租这房产。

Is the television still under guarantee?这台电视机还在保修期内吗?

We believe an offence was committed under EU regulations.我们认为根据欧盟有关规定已经构成了犯罪。


The country is now under martial law.这个国家目前在戒严中。

The coinage was reformed under Elizabeth I (= when she was queen) .英国币制在伊丽莎白一世时代作了改革。

She has a staff of 19 working under her.她手下有19个职员工作。


There would be no new taxes under his leadership.  在他主政期间不会增加新税种。


Were any of your books published under the name Amanda Fairchild? 你们所出版的书里有署名为阿曼达·费尔柴尔德的吗?

The patient was registered under a false name.  那位患者挂号时用了假名。

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