
Mid-position adverbs usually go after auxiliary verbs, after am / are / is / was / were and before other verbs.

  • She has never written to me.

  • The discussion was mainly about politics.

When there are two or more auxiliary verbs, the adverb usually goes after the first.

  • You have definitely been working hard.

In American English, mid-position adverbs are often put before auxiliary verbs and am / are / is / was / were, even when the verb is not emphasized.

  • You certainly have made him angry. (US)

  • You have certainly made him angry. (GB)

  • You are always late. (GB)

  • You always are late. (US)

  • America has long been known as a land of opportunities. (GB)

  • America long has been known as a land of opportunities. (US)


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最佳答案 2015-10-08 08:10



    1. 时间副词


    He often quarrels with his wife.他经常和他的妻子吵架。

    There will be a basketball match tomorrow. 明天将有一场篮球赛。

    2. 地点副词


    I used to play there. 我过去常在那儿玩。

    The guards rushed upstairs. 卫兵们冲上楼去。

    3. 方式副词


    You should drive carefully. 你应该小心驾驶。

    We warmly welcomed the guests at the door. 我们在门口热情地欢迎客人。

    People present are all quietly waiting in the hall. 与会者们都在大厅里静静地等候着。

    4. 程度副词


    When we got home,it was very late. 我们到家时,已经很晚了。

    We were all greatly moved by the little girl's deeds. 我们都被那个小女孩的事迹深深地感动了。



    They can not walk fast enough.他们不能走得足够快。

    The book is easy enough for little kids.这本书对小孩子们来说足够容易。

    5. 频度副词


    The young couple always quarrel with each other over family affairs. 这对年轻夫妇总是为了家务事而争吵。

    I have seldom communicated with her. 我很少与她联系。

    6. 评论副词


    Honestly, he is unfit for the job.直说吧,他不胜任这份工作。

    Fortunately, he was not drowned and was saved by a PLA man.


    7. 连接副词


    It was freezingly cold. Nonetheless/Nevertheless/However/Still, many people went fishing.天非常冷,但仍有很多人去钓鱼。

    The hurricane damaged the power lines.Consequently, the whole village blacked out last night.飓风破坏了线路,所以昨天晚上整个村庄一片黑暗。


    The new manager is intelligent and hard-working; moreover, he is very charming. 那位新任经理才多智广,工作努力,并且也很有魅力。

    They ran out of all the petrol.Furthermore, they lost their way. 他们用光了所有的汽油,而且他们迷了路。


    You haven't told us your opinion.You can, however, make it clear now. 你还没有告诉我们你的意见,但是现在你可以明白地告诉我们。

    He worked day and night. He was able to buy the sports car, therefore. 他日夜工作,所以有能力买那辆跑车。

    (4)hence, then, thus, so, yet之后通常不用逗号。

    It is very late,hence you must go to bed. 时间很晚了,所以你必须上床睡觉了。

    Melt the butter over high heat, then add the egg. 先把奶油用高温融化,然后再加上鸡蛋。

    (5)hence, then, thus, yet, so, therefore前面可以用逗号,如果两个句子较长且复杂,常用分号。

    They did their best, yet they were defeated.他们尽了力,却还是失败了。

    We do not own the building, thus it would be impossible for us to make any major changes to it. 我们不是这栋楼房的房主,因此不能对它进行大的改动。


    The site has a number of advantages, and furthermore, the asking price is quite low. 这个位置有很多有利的条件,而且索要的价钱也相当低。

    There is still much to discuss,and therefore we shall return to this item at our next meeting. 要讨论的问题还有很多,所以我们将在下次会议上再讨论这项议题。

    8. 多个副词的排列顺序


    We are going to travel globally very soon.我们很快就要进行环球旅行。

    They went boating in Zhongshan Park yesterday.

    =Yesterday they went boating in Zhongshan Park.他们昨天去中山公园划船了。

    (2)away, back, backward, forward, out, in, off, on, up等与介词同形的副词,放在其他副词之前。

    At the bad news, Mary walked away sadly. 玛丽听到这个坏消息后伤心地走了。

    The little boy looked back anxiously at me. 那个小男孩焦虑地回头看着我。


    Jack anxiously looked at me. 杰克焦虑地看着我。

    Very carefully, the policeman examined the dead person's chest. 警察非常仔细地检查了死者的胸部。






I will travel                                 

by air  

to Japan

next week.

He was driving his car             




She sang the song


at the concert

last night.


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  • dengqianyi 提出于 2015-10-06 19:45
