2 并列谓语动词的不同语法形式


A film is—or should be—more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. 电影是——或者应该是——更像音乐而非小说。它应该是情绪和情感的逐步发展过程。——Stanley Kubrick(斯坦利·库布利克)

我觉得这里的is or should be用得很有意思,我记得曾见过 is and will be 之类的说法,但找不到例句了,请专家老师就此举几例看看,并归纳一下类似句式。谢谢。

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最佳答案 2021-12-30 00:16


1. 谓语动词不同,但语法形式相同(比如使用相同的动词形式或连用相同的情态动词)。如:

The knife slipped and gashed his finger. 刀滑了一下,割破了他的手指。

She fainted and slumped to the floor. 她晕了过去,重重地摔倒在地上。

The little boy blushed and looked down. 小男孩脸红了, 低头向下看。

She turned and walked off without a word. 她二话没说, 转身离去。

They packed and checked out of the hotel. 他们收拾好东西,办理了退房手续。

These stories surprised and moved me. 这些故事让我吃惊,也让我感动。

I should stay and help. 我应该留下来帮忙。

We must try and limit our expenditure. 我们必须设法限制我们的开支。

Now you can buy and sell shares on the Internet. 现在你可以在因特网上买卖股票。

2. 谓语动词相同,但形式不同(比如所用动词形式不同或连用相同的情态动词)。如:

He may, or certainly should, resign. 他可能,当然也应该,辞职。

The country can and must recover from its present crisis. 该国能够而且必须从目前的危机中恢复过来。

We are now and will always be, your faithful friends. 我们现在是,将来也还是,你的忠实朋友。

Staffordshire pottery always was, is and will be prized by collectors. 斯塔福德郡的陶器过去、现在和将来都会受到收藏家的珍藏。

He has been, is and will be remembered for his noble character and great deeds. 人们一直并将永远缅怀他的高尚品格和伟大业绩。

The sacrifice has not been and will not be in vain. 牺牲没有白费,而且也不会白费。

David was and still is the ambassador. 大卫过去是而且现在仍然是大使。

Although not distant as the crow flies from Tehran, this mountainous area has always been and still is remote. 这片山区与德黑兰之间的直线距离并不算远,但迄今仍然属于偏远地区。

3. 谓语动词不同,且形式也不同。如:

He’s forty and still living on handouts from his parents. 他已经40岁了,还在靠父母接济过日子。

He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars. 他在战争中受了重伤,现在仍有伤疤。

They were taken into detention two weeks ago and still are not allowed visitors. 他们两周前遭拘留,现在仍不许探望。

I’ve read the whole book from beginning to end and still can’t understand it. 我把整本书从头到尾看了一遍,但还是没看懂。

4. 动词相同,且形式也相同(通常是为了强调)。如:

We walked and walked until it was quite dark. 我们一直走,一直走,走到天完全黑了。

We talked and talked but couldn’t make a decision. 我们谈了又谈,可是无法作出决定。

They waited and waited for something exciting to happen. 他们等啊等啊,等待着激动人心的事情发生。

She went on crying, and cried and cried until the pillow was wet through. 她还是哭,哭呀哭,一直哭到枕头都湿透了。

She told us such funny stories that we all laughed and laughed until our sides ached. 她给我们讲的故事都太有趣了,我们笑啊笑啊,笑得两肋都疼了。

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