
China has taken another solid step toward realizing its ambitious climate targets by making public a concrete action plan on Tuesday for peaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030.

The plan includes specific targets for different sectors as it forges ahead to phase out coal consumption and increase renewable energy in its energy mix.

1.请问定语和其先行词之间能插入状语吗:也就是说for peaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030有可能是plan的定语吗,然后时间状语on Tuesday能插入先行词和定语之间?我不确定分析成定语对不对,还请老师指点一下。

2.黑体不定式短语to phase out...我也有两种分析:一是不定式作目的状语而it指China,而是不定式是真正主语而it是形式主语,哪种分析对呢?

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最佳答案 2021-10-29 08:53

1.by making public a concrete action plan on Tuesday for peaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030=by making a concrete action plan for peaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 public on Tuesday

介词短语for peaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030action plan的定语

2. it指代China,不定式to phase out.....作目的状语

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其它 1 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

1. China has taken another solid step toward realizing its ambitious climate targets by making public a concrete action plan on Tuesday for peaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030

——网友理解正确。 for peaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 plan 的定语,被 on Tuesday 分隔。on Tuesday 时间状语,修饰分词 making publicpublic 宾补前置)。

2. The plan includes specific targets for different sectors as it forges ahead to phase out coal consumption and increase renewable energy in its energy mix.

—— as 引导原因状语从句,黑体部分是两个并列的不定式,作目的状语,不是真正主语。

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  • may52014 提出于 2021-10-27 15:27