6 2021高考英语长难句理解与翻译-1(新高考全国卷2阅读C)

The project results from the difficulties many schools have in getting artists of any sort—whether an up-and-coming local musician or a major movie star—into schools to work with and inspire children. (完整全文见:https://www.cpsenglish.com/article/812


1. in getting 可以换成 to get 吗?

2. of any sort 是什么用法?

3. work with ……一起工作”“共事的意思吗?

4. 句子如何翻译比较好? 

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最佳答案 2021-10-22 21:38

The project results from the difficulties many schools have in getting artists of any sort—whether an up-and-coming local musician or a major movie star—into schools to work with and inspire children.


1. in getting 可以换成 to get 吗?

答:不能。注意使用的句子结构是 have difficulties in doing sth

2. of any sort 是什么用法?

答:of any sort 的字面意思是“任何种类的”,表示强调,artists of any sort any artist 同义。

3. work with ……一起工作”“共事的意思吗?

答:work with 可以表示……一起工作”“共事,但在此根据句子语境,应理解为“帮助”“指导”等:

I want to work with a well organized team. 我想要和组织良好的团队一起工作。

I've learned to work with different types of people. 我学会了与不同类型的人打交道。

Her mission in life was to work with the homeless. 她以帮助无家可归者为己任。

Only properly accredited coaches get to work with young players. 只有经过资格认定的教练方可指导年轻选手。

4. 句子如何翻译比较好?



1. The project:句子主语

2. results from the difficulties:谓语部分(results为谓语动词,from the difficulties为状语;若将results from视为整体,将the difficulties视为介词 from 的宾语)

3. many schools have in getting artists of any sort:定语从句,修饰先行词difficulties,其前省略了关系代词 that, which

4. whether an up-and-coming local musician or a major movie star:同位语(与artists同位)。

5. into schools:状语(注意搭配 get…into…

6. to work with and inspire children:宾语补足语(其逻辑主语是artists;注意句子结构 get artists into schools to work with…)。

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  • 黄丽萍   提出于 2021-10-22 17:13
