
We are ninetieth in the competition so far. 专家老师,这里序数词前怎么没有定冠词呢?类似的还有 a first prize (place), first prize. 敬请老师解疑答惑。


感谢 luofang 老师上面的的解释,可是还没有完全解决学生的困惑,如像 a first prize, the first prize, first prize 结构中的冠词问题,其中的 first 可不是当名词吧?

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最佳答案 2015-09-04 11:26

一个词的词性(或词类),除了其表达的语义外,更重要的,是通过它在句子中的作用体现出来;或者说判断一个词的词性,句子是它的试金石。就first, second等词而言,这些词有多个词性。它们的词性是在句子中判断出来的。我认为:

1. 之前无冠词作表语,这些词的词性是形容词:

We are ninetieth in the competition so far. 目前我们竞赛名次是19名。

The computers are all first. 这些电脑均是一等的(一流的)。

The city is second with a population of 1,000,000 in the province. 这个城市有一百万人口在本省名列第二。

2. 之前有冠词作表语,具备名词性质,是序数词或名词:

He was the first to be there. 他是第一个到达那里的。

3. 之后有名词,具备形容词性质,看做序数词或形容词均可:

He came too late to see the first part of the show. 他来得太晚了,没赶上看节目的第一部分。

4. 修饰谓语动词,虽然具备序数性质,但是属于副词:

No matter it is windy or rainy, he always comes first. 不论刮风还是下雨,他总是第一个来。

5. 之前有不定冠词a, 之后无名词,那么本身就是名词:

It is a first for New York. An outdoor exhibition of Fernando Botero's sculpture on Park Avenue. 在公园大道上露天展出费尔南多·博特罗的雕塑,这在纽约还是破天荒的事。

5. 之前有不定冠词a, 之后有名词,表示这一类中的一份,first是形容词:

I wound up with a first prize.我最后得到一份头等奖。

6.在first (second) prize,first (second) place短语中,有the无the,意思相同,属于省略。都表示序数和名次,first和second作定语,看做序数词或形容词均可。

She missed first prize by a whisker.她只差一点儿就能得到头奖了。

His poem won the first prize in the contest.他的诗作在比赛中获得第一名。

Mary won first place in the singing contest.玛丽在歌唱比赛中得第一名。

She won the first place in a speech contest.她在一场演讲比赛中得到第一名。

关于first (second) prize,first (second) place之前为何省略冠词the,我认为,“第一名(头等奖),第二名(二等奖)”的术语,在体育比赛和各种竞赛中使用最经常,而且口语化解说非常明显,出于简练的原因,经常省略冠词,以至于正式场合也可以省略不用。

恕我直言:《牛津双解》这个说法自相矛盾,“序数词作表语,表名次时,是名词”。既然是序数词,怎么又叫名词?这是其一。既然是名词又用了单数形式,为何没有冠词?显然,不能自圆其说。毫无疑问,前面不加冠词,而且后面没有名词时,这时的 first,second 是形容词无疑。


This way is best.


This is the best way.


He had nowhere to call home.他根本没有可称为家的地方。

We found nowhere to spend the night.我们未找到地方过夜。




一、英语中有表示“序数”这个概念的词,如first, second, third, tenth等,但没有“序数词”这个词性。因为这类词的词性至少有3种:

1.跟冠词(a, the)连用时,是代词(或名词)。

My mother entered the local flower show just for fun and got a first.

She is always the first to arrive.

He was the first to reach the top of the hill.

Tom was the first on the scene in tragedy.


She is always the first girl to come.

This is my second trip to London.

The population of India is second to that of China.


I do not remember who spoke first, but we all expressed the same opinion

No matter it is windy or rainy, he always comes first.

First of all she just smiled, then she started to laugh.


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