2 pay his way through...如何理解


He used the earning from farm to pay his way through earning a bachelor of science degree from the University of Nebraska.


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最佳答案 2021-09-18 19:58

He used the earning from farm to pay his way through earning a bachelor of science degree from the University of Nebraska.

way 的本义仍然是“道路”。 网友注意这个结构:verb + one's way through... 意思是,以该动词所表达动作之方式完成......之旅(走完...之路)。

pay his way through...  以付钱的方式完成......之旅(走完...之路)。例如:

A Japanese artist paid his way through life with his paintings. 一位日本画家靠绘画赚钱以维持生计。

The poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods door to door found that he only had one dime left. 这个可怜的男孩试图通过挨家挨户地推销商品来支付学费,结果发现他只剩下一角钱了。

pay his way through earning a bachelor of science degree from the University,字面:以付钱的方式走完获取大学理科学士学位之路。

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  • 学英语   提出于 2021-09-18 17:51