3 同位语与of what

1. The platform canceled the program, a move that its boss said was aimed at “making a better one.”

请问老师,这里的a move做什么成分呢?同位语从句只能修饰名词或名词性成分吗?

2. They called for regulation of what it called the “chaos” of the industry.


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最佳答案 2021-09-01 14:07

网友的第一个问题中,二位老师都没有直接回答 a move +定语从句这个名词词组是什么成分,只是解释了如果前面加上which is, 就是一个非限制性定语从句,which的先行词为主句内容。不错,如果逗号后为 which is a move...,传统语法把这个which从句分析为非限制性定语从句修饰前面的主句。但问题是这里并没有which is,并不是一个定语从句,而是一个名词词组,一个名词词组是不可能作定语修饰一个句子的。其实,这种名词词组的作用语法书是有解释的,即 a move... 这个名词词组作前面句子的同位语。我们可以用一个简单的例子说明这个问题。Tom, (who is) a 10 year old boy, can speak five languages. 这个句子中二个逗号之间的部分,如果有who is, 就是一个非限制性定语从句。但如果没有who is. 我们就不能是 a 10 year old boy 是非限制性定语或省略了who is的非限制性定语,它就是一个名词词组作(非限制性)同位语。再如,Everybody know the fact that China is the most populous country in the world. 我们都知道这个句子中,that从句是the fact的同位语从句。China is the most populous counatry in the world, a fact that everybody knows. 逗号后部分中心词为 a fact, 与前面的主句显然是同位关系。如果AB的同位语,AB互为同位关系,B也是A的同位语。所以,网友第一句中的 a move that... 为句子同位语,对前面句子作补充说明。

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其它 2 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

The platform canceled the program, a move that its boss said was aimed at “making a better one.”

——由于 a move(举措)不是指the program,而是指前文整个内容,因此不能是program的同位语了,而是前文的非限制性定语,用来说明、解释、评价前句的内容。相当于:The platform canceled the program, which was a move that its boss said was aimed at “making a better one.”

that its boss said was aimed at “making a better one.” move 的定语从句,且是一个嵌入式的定语从句。

They called for regulation of what it called the “chaos” of the industry.

——what 引导名词性从句,是一个笼统的叫法。它作主语时,叫做“主语从句”,作宾语时叫做“宾语从句”,本句 what it called the “chaos” of the industry,就是作 of 的宾语,因此可以叫“宾语从句”。

what it called the “chaos” of the industry,由于 what 没有疑问概念,它实际是一个融合性关系代词,引导后面这个名词性关系分句,作 of 的宾语。

◆ 给网友普及一下关于从句的语法知识:



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陈才   - 英语教师

. The platform canceled the program,( which is 省略)a move that its boss said was aimed at “making a better one.”

解答:a move可以看作省略which is非限制性定语从句,that its boss said 定语从句修饰前面名词a move,关系代词在定语从句that its boss said作谓语动词said的宾语成分,同时在定语从句that was aimed at making a better one作主语成分(备注:关系代词which指代前面整句话内容)

2. They called for regulation of what it called the “chaos” of the industry.

解答:of what it called the chaos of the industry 为介词短语作后置定语修饰regulation, of what it called the chaos of the industry为介词of+what引导的宾语从句。

what it called the chaos of the industry有以下2种理解(it called+宾语+宾补)

(1) what作谓语动词called的宾语,the chaos of the industry为宾语补足语。

(2)what作宾补,the chaos of the industry作谓语动词called宾语。



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