“数字+more”的用法(它与more than有区别吗)

Mr. Ban asked the Security Council on Thursday to deploy at least 3,000 more troops to the country within the coming days and weeks. 周四,潘基文请求安理会在未来几天和几周内向中非派遣超过3,000人的军队。

疑问:more 在这里是作为副词么?more 和 3000 作为限定词,其先后顺序是按什么规律排列的?

本句是否等价于:Mr. Ban asked the Security Council on Thursday to deploy at least more than 3,000 troops to the country within the coming days and weeks.

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最佳答案 2015-09-25 10:21

Two more pairs of trousers are dirty. 另外两条裤子脏了。
He needs two more volumes to complete his set. 他的那套书还差两卷才成套。
If you give me about two more minutes we can leave. 如果你再给两三分钟,我们就可以走了。
We built an extension onto the school, so now we have two more classrooms. 我们把学校扩建了一些,因此现在我们又多了两间教室。
正:He’s bought two more English dictionaries.
正:He’s bought two other English dictionaries.
正:He’s bought another two English dictionaries.

很显然,“数字+more”的用法跟“more than+数字”的用法不是一回事,后者的意思是“多于……”。如:
I’ve known him for more than twenty years. 我已认识他20多年了。
More than one person is involved in this. 与此事有牵连的人不止一个。
More than 40%of the machines are locally produced. 百分之四十以上的机器是本地生产的。
Floods in this area caused more than 500 deaths. 这个地区涨洪水造成了500多人的死亡。
The series has attracted an audience of more than 10 million. 这个系列片吸引了1 000多万观众收看。
Children this age should not spend more than one hour on homework. 这个年龄的孩子花在做作业上的时间最多不能超过1小时。
more than five people 多于五个人(可能是六个人、七个人等)
five more people 另外五个人(在原来的基础上另外增加的5个人,如果原来为3人个,则现在为8个人;若原来为10个人,则现在为15个人;……)

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其它 1 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

deploy at least 3,000 more troops to the country“向中非派遣超过3,000人的军队”。


 more than 3,000 不等于3,000 more, 前者表示“超过3000”,后者表示“再加3000”。英语中,more用在数字后,意为“再,又”。



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  • qianyi0129 提出于 2015-09-24 21:07
