这句话中if anything 是什么成分

If anything the developments of the past week reinforced that ending US military involvment Afghanistan now was the right decision.

American troops cannot and should not be fighting in a war and dying in a war that Afghan forces are not willing to fight for themselves.


请教老师,If anything the developments of the past week reinforced that ending US military involvment Afghanistan now was the right decision.

这句话中if anything 是什么成分?这句话主谓宾分别是什么呢?另外,should not be fighting in a war and dying 中的dying 应该是should not be dying...die是瞬间动词,

怎么理解这里的dying 含义和用法?

should be doing 中表示将来事件,对do是否为持续还是短暂动词有无要求呢?如果是短暂动词的doing, 如何理解should be doing 将来事件呢?

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最佳答案 2021-08-27 16:52

1 if anything = if there was anything 。即if 从句省略了 there wasanything 在此为名词,= something important

2 die 为非延续性终结动词,如果主语为单数的某个人,用一般体,表示死亡事件的发生。用进行体则表示某人即将/快要死亡。但如果主语为复数,die用进行体,则可以表示在某个时期不断有人死亡。例如 People are dying of Covic-19 these days. 近来不断有人死于新冠肺炎。你的句子中主语为复数。如果说 American troops are dying in a war. 意思就是美国军队不断有人死于一场战争。American troops should not be dying in a war. 则表示美国军队本不该有人不断在战争中死亡。

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  • bjxue 提出于 2021-08-23 15:29
