2 这样强调谓语是否可以模仿

Asked to participate in a debate on the subject hosted by The Economist, and told that the audience would vote, she pointedly joked: “Next let’s do ‘Is 2+2 exactly 4?’” But take part she did, in her always lively fashion.



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最佳答案 2021-09-19 10:11

But take part she did. 这种现象不能称为倒装。因为它既不是部分倒装(倒装操作词),也不是完全倒装(主语后移到句末——主语后不再有谓语动词)。所以这是前置(不带to的不定式+宾语)。前置也是一种强调的手段。这种现象多见于文学作品中。

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刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

“强调”,其实属于一种修辞手法,英语中表示“强调”的方式有许多。在一个句子中,我们可以通过增加某些词语(如 wh-word + ever加限定词如the very 或副词at all 等),或者改变原有句式(如cleft sentence 分裂句)来实现。把谓语动词变成do, does, did +原形,也可以达到强调动词的目的,这仅限于一般现在时或一般过去时。如:

The family did manage to send him to a technical school.

She did take part in her always lively fashion.

有时,说话人急于要表达谓语动词的动作已经实现,可以先说原形动词,然后再说 sb. did

Take part she did, in her always lively fashion. (加逗号停顿一下,然后再说方式状语)


并非所有句子都可以提前,像第一句谓语部分太长,不宜把 manage to send him to a technical school 提到句首,强调的字数越少越好。字数太多,即便提前也很难起到强调的作用。这种修辞法不是常用,所以,不建议模仿。

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