get on 的用法

Australian’s rapid weight gain has health agencies and  state governments racing to find ways to encourage people to get on their feet.

请问老师get on在这里什么用法?在字典查到的get on好像都不符合句子意思。

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最佳答案 2021-08-12 09:56

这个句子中的get on their feet , 你猜都应该猜出它的意思。即不要老坐着,要动起来,站起来,出去活动,散步、锻炼。介词on的语义之一为: used to indicate the part or object by which someone or something is supported

How long can you stand on one foot? 一只脚支撑站着。

He was on his hands and knees looking for her earring. 手和膝盖着地。

由此你就可以知道 Someone is on his feet. 意为一个人站着。系词be为静态系词,表示一种状态。be改为动态系词get,仍然是系表结构,表示状态的转变,即由躺着或坐着的状态转变为站立的状态。由此引申为不要老坐着,起来活动活动,锻炼减肥。学英语也要有悟性。

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  • 提出于 2021-08-10 10:15