1) He turns and goes back the way he came.
2) To snap back means to return to something, the way things were, return to what's normal.
3) No wonder that girl despises me, the way you encourage her.
如何理解以上3句中出现的the way 用法含义?不懂。 the way 引导的究竟是什么性质的从句呀?
1) He turns and goes back the way he came. (the way he came = by the way (by which)he came 沿着来路返回)
2) To snap back means to return to something, the way things were, return to what's normal.(the way = as,the way things were 像事物原来的样子或状态)
3) No wonder that girl despises me, the way you encourage her.(the way = because,因为你怂恿她)