10 介词短语问题(1)


1. The court did suggest that accepting favors in return for opening doors is distasteful and nasty.

In return是定语还是状语修饰accepting还是favorsfor opening doors是修饰return吗,怎么判断?

2. I see him off with my friends two days ago.

Off是宾补,with my friends修饰offtwo days ago也修饰off吗,我觉得see更合理。我看见他两天前和朋友离开,还是我两天前看见他和朋友离开。

3. He will come to understand your efforts sooner or later.

sooner or later状语修饰come?understand? 他迟早会来理解你,还是他来了迟早会理解你。我倾向于come

4. Always remember to put such dangerous things as knives out of childrens reach.

其中put out看出动词短语吗,还是out修饰putof childrens reach修饰out




Your performance as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.

请问reflecting on是构成及物动词吗,how you learn作宾补。还是reflecting/介词短语。on后面可以加名词性从句吗how you learn是不是不完整,应该是how you learn it?

18. Why dont you bring it to his attention that you are too ill to work on?

其中it是形式宾语吗,bring sth to his attention,这里to his attention是什么成分呢?为什么最后是to work on不能是to work.

19. We have various summer camps for your holidays. You can choose one based on your own interests.

For your holidays是定语还是状语呢,我感觉都是合适的,如何判断。还有based的逻辑主语是one吗,on your own interests修饰based

20. What do you think of it over there?

其中think of是构成及物动词吗,over there修饰it的定语吗?

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最佳答案 2021-08-02 11:28


1. The court did suggest that accepting favors in return for opening doors is distasteful and nasty.

In return是定语还是状语修饰accepting还是favorsfor opening doors是修饰return吗,怎么判断?

—— in return for 看作短语介词,不要拆开。介词短语 in return for opening doors 修饰 accepting favors为目的状语。另外,在很多情况下, in return 可以单独使用。

2. I see him off with my friends two days ago.

Off是宾补,with my friends修饰offtwo days ago也修饰off吗,我觉得see更合理。我看见他两天前和朋友离开,还是我两天前看见他和朋友离开。

—— with my friends是介词短语,修饰整个谓语部分saw him off,作方式状语。注:原句有误。把 see 改为 saw

3. He will come to understand your efforts sooner or later.

sooner or later状语修饰come?understand? 他迟早会来理解你,还是他来了迟早会理解你。我倾向于come

—— sooner or later 修饰不定式 to understand your efforts,不是 come。因为 come 表示一个渐变过程,而 understand 表示结果,而sooner or later(迟早)意指结果,并非过程本身。

4. Always remember to put such dangerous things as knives out of childrens reach.

其中put out看出动词短语吗,还是out修饰putof childrens reach修饰out

 ——应该把  out of 看作复合介词,out of childrens reach 为介词短语,作 put 的地点状语,亦可看作结果状语。



Your performance as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.

请问reflecting on是构成及物动词吗,how you learn作宾补。还是reflecting/介词短语。on后面可以加名词性从句吗how you learn是不是不完整,应该是how you learn it?

——本句,reflecting 不及物,加介词on看成及物的短语动词也可以。how you learn作宾语,不是宾补。how you learn 是完整的名词性从句,这里learn 为不及物动词,不需要加宾语。

18. Why dont you bring it to his attention that you are too ill to work on?

其中it是形式宾语吗,bring sth to his attention,这里to his attention是什么成分呢?为什么最后是to work on不能是to work.

—— it 是形式宾语。to his attentionbring 广义地点状语或结果状语。you are too ill to work 句子完整,on 多余,删掉。

19. We have various summer camps for your holidays. You can choose one based on your own interests.

For your holidays是定语还是状语呢,我感觉都是合适的,如何判断。还有based的逻辑主语是one吗,on your own interests修饰based

——for your holidays various summer camps 的定语,不是状语。因为 have 不是行为动词,不需要状语。based 的逻辑主语是oneon your own interests修饰based。整个based on your own interests 作定语。

20. What do you think of it over there?

其中think of是构成及物动词吗,over there修饰it的定语吗?

——  是的,。over there it 是同位关系。本句的宾语是 it(虚拟宾语 it),由于 over there 是个地点方位副词,无法直接作宾语。所以找一个虚拟的宾语 it代替它,因此它们是同位关系。What do you think of it over there? 你觉得那边怎么样?又如:I like it here. 我喜欢这里。

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