10 副词插在不定式中间的用法(tell him to please be quiet)

This afternoon, we had our chemistry class in the science lab. The lab is new and the lesson was great, but the guy next to me tried to talk to me the whole time. I couldn’t concentrate on the experiment. I really wanted to tell him to please be quiet and leave me alone!

这是2019年版高中英语新教材(人教版)Welcome Unit (p4)  的一个小段。

我对其中的 to please be quiet 看不懂。我说的是,这个副词 please 的位置好奇怪,please 竟然也可以这样用吗?

英语有 tell sb to please do sth 的句式吗?(最好有权威一点的例句)

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最佳答案 2021-08-04 19:56

I really wanted to tell him to please be quiet and leave me alone!

从语法上说,句中的 to please be 属于分裂不定式。

什么叫分裂不定式?所谓分裂不定式,就是指在不定式 to do 中间插入一个副词(包括副词 please,也有人称这样用的 please 为感叹词),用副词将不定式分裂开来。虽然在通常情况下,分裂不定式被认为是错误的用法(或“不好”的用法),但事实上分裂不定式在英语用得很普遍。如:

It would take ages to really master this subject. 这门学科需要许多年才能真正掌握。

He began to slowly get up off the floor. 他开始慢慢地从地板上站立起来。

There are enough nuclear arms to completely destroy civilization. 有足够的核武器来彻底摧毁文明。


I really wanted to tell him to please be quiet and leave me alone!


I really wanted to tell him to be quiet and leave me alone!

它就是一个简单的 tell sb to do sth 结构,加上 please 是为了使句子语气显得委婉和客气一些。比较下面两句:

Please ask your teacher to come over. 请(你)叫你的老师过来一下。(please 是修饰 ask 的)

Ask your teacher to please come over. 叫你的老师请他过来一下(或请你的老师过来一下)。(please 是修饰 come 的)


薄冰在其《高级英语语法》的分裂不定式一节提到“感叹词 please 亦常被插入不定式”,薄冰给出的例句是:

I will ask you to please look into the matter. 我愿请你费心调查研究此事。

另外,章振邦的《新编英语语法》(修订版)也认为 please 插在不定式中间的用法“与分裂不定式相似”,该书给出的例句是:

You are to please come over here.

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