2 这里的 as exceedingly unlucky 作什么成分

They agreed that Mrs. Bennet should only hear of the departure of the family, without being alarmed on the score of the gentleman's conduct; but even this partial communication gave her a great deal of concern, and she bewailed it as exceedingly unlucky that the ladies should happen to go away, just as they were all getting so intimate together. After lamenting it however at some length, she had the consolation of thinking that Mr. Bingley would be soon down again and soon dining at Longbourn, and the conclusion of all was the comfortable declaration that, though he had been invited only to a family dinner, she would take care to have two full courses.

麻烦老师分析一下这里的 as exceedingly unlucky 作什么成分?

另外,根据上下文故事的发展,宾利一家一家离开了,所以,我困惑为什么不是should have happened to go away ? should happen to have gone away ?


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最佳答案 2021-08-02 17:53

she bewailed it as exceedingly unlucky that the ladies should happen to go away,

1. bewail 可以接复合宾语,宾补由 as...短语充当。意为 “哀叹地认为...是...”。

涉及本句:it 为宾语(其实是形式宾语,代替 that 从句),as exceedingly unlucky 为宾补。

2.  宾语从句 that the ladies should happen to go away 使用“should + 原形”,表达某种情绪,如惊叹、不满、遗憾等。一般说来,使用完成体或者一般体,或一般过去时均可,没有太大区别。即便有,也忽略不计。即:

that the ladies should happen to go away.

that the ladies should have happened to go away.(本句后面还有一个时间状语,用完成体产生矛盾。若没有这个时间状语,就可以)

that the ladies happened to go away.

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其它 1 个回答


she bewailed it as exceedingly unlucky that the ladies should happen to go away

it 为形式宾语,as (being) exceedingly unlucky 为介词短语作宾补,其后的that从句为真正宾语(外置宾语)。that从句中的should为推定式should,表达感情色彩,竟然、居然。should happen go away后面有just as引导的时间状语从句,时间从句为过去进行时,should happen to go away发生在were getting...的过程中,所以要用一般体,不能用完成体。

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