2 倒装句 not the less so from...句子结构分析

"My dear Madam," replied he, "let us be for ever silent on this point. Far be it from me," he presently continued, in a voice that marked his displeasure, "to resent the behaviour of your daughter. Resignation to inevitable evils is the duty of us all; the peculiar duty of a young man who has been so fortunate as I have been in early preferment; and I trust I am resigned. perhaps not the less so from feeling a doubt of my positive happiness had my fair cousin honoured me with her hand; for I have often observed that resignation is never so perfect as when the blessing denied begins to lose somewhat of its value in our estimation. You will not, I hope, consider me as shewing any disrespect to your family, my dear Madam, by thus withdrawing my pretensions to your daughter's favour, without having paid yourself and Mr. Bennet the compliment of requesting you to interpose your authority in my behalf. My conduct may, I fear, be objectionable in having accepted my dismission from your daughter's lips instead of your own. But we are all liable to error. I have certainly meant well through the whole affair. My object has been to secure an amiable companion for myself, with due consideration for the advantage of all your family, and if my manner has been at all reprehensible, I here beg leave to apologise."


1)这个黑体字倒装句怎么分析结构成分?not the less so from 怎么理解?

2is never so perfect as when...这里的as后省略了什么,怎么理解?


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最佳答案 2021-07-30 14:16

1 perhaps not the less so from feeling a doubt of my positive happiness had my fair cousin honoured me with her hand. 这是一个省略句,省略了主语和系词,perhaps应该大写。后面的倒装是省略了if的虚拟条件句:had my fair cousin honoured me... = if my fair cousin had honoured me... 。所以这个句子等于:

I would  perhaps be not the less so from the feeling a doubt of my positive happiness if my fair cousin had honoured me with her hand.

so 替代前句的形容词resignednot the less 习语,用作副词,相当于still,仍然,仍旧。

2 resignation is never so perfect as when... = resignation is never so perfect as it is/will be when...

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其它 1 个回答

猴哥英语 - 英语培训师

 I trust I am resigned.我确信我已经认命了,即使表妹接受了我的求婚,我依然这样认命了,因为我对我这样得到的积极幸福感持有怀疑。i am, not the less, resigned  as i feel a doubt of my positive happiness  i would get  from  my fair cousin's  honouring me with her hand

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