than previously thought中thought的词性

各位老师好,这是在网上搜到的“20216CATTI二级笔译真题中的一段At the global level, income inequality is higher than previously thought, especially in developing countries.


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最佳答案 2021-07-25 10:53

than previously thought = than was previously thought = than it was previously thought that it would be.

这就是比较分句中的省略。than通常被分析为连词,than分句的主语为形式主语it+外置主语从句时,可以省略it 外置主语。当分句谓语为被动语态或系表结构时,某些动词(如thoughtplannedexpectedbelieved等)或形容词(如necessaryusual 等),谓语部分可以省略动词be,只保留过去分词或形容词。本句中比较分句就是省略后只剩下 than + 过去分词。

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