
Accordin to the research of Millfield prep school, around 20% of youngsters work best with background music, 10% excel when allow to break up their work with short walks around the room while up to 80% can concentrate better if allowed to fiddle with a small object.

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最佳答案 2015-09-18 07:19

According to the research of Millfield prep school, around 20% of youngsters work best with background music, 10% excel when allowed to break up their work with short walks around the room, while up to 80% can concentrate better if allowed to fiddle with a small object.



1. 10% excel10%的人表现特别突出。

2. when allowed to break up their work = when they are allowed to have a break in their work

3. while = but

4. up to 80%:高达80%的人

5. if allowed to fiddle with a small object = if they are allowed to play with a small object


关于break up这个短语,它是个多义词。除了你说的意思之外,还有“终止,中断”的含义,break up their work,根据上下文,对学生而言就是“中断学习”,理解为学习过程中的休息,课间休息。

并列连词and, so, or, but, while等,放在第一个分句后,之前有没有逗号均可。我们知道,逗号是表示停顿的。你仔细观察一下,上述连词是不是这样?




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  • speed_eriko 提出于 2015-09-14 07:23
