This attack was retribution for generations of atrocities committed by A against innocent B.
The impacts have wreaked havoc on power, transportation, and desalinization infrastructure far beyond the immediate blast zones.
1.第一句话有两处理解不好:1)generations of atrocities中of在语法上表示哪种关系?2)是黑体和红色分别修饰generations of atrocities,还是黑体修饰generations of atrocities committed by A?搞不清楚是如何判断的。
2.第二句话是红色和黑体分别作havoc的定语,还是黑体部分作havoc on power, transportation, and desalinization infrastructure的定语?应该依据什么判断呢?
当有多个后置定语的时候我就开始犯迷糊,因为英语和中文的对应关系实在是难以理解,辛苦老师帮我讲解一下,谢谢老师 !
1. generations of atrocities 是几代人的暴行的意思,中心词为atrocities. generations 修饰后面的atrocities。类似于two cups of tea 这种结构。atrocities committed by A against innocent B.是指A 对B犯下的暴行。也就是说A 是施暴者。
2. 英语习惯搭配wreak havoc on... 红色部分应该是on 的宾语,黑体far beyond.... 应该是定语修饰红色部分。凭借的语义和语言逻辑判断。