3 宾语从句成分分析

看到一个英文小短文中有一段话 take notes, because here's what science says are the features attract people the most.中文翻译是:做好笔记,因为以下是科学表明最吸引人的特征。

我想science says后面是一个宾语从句,省略了连接词that,连接词that可以省略,可是我感觉在are the features…的前面还缺少一个形式上的主语,可以是these are the features…。

请教老师,这里是缺少了一个形式主语these吗?可这个形式主语怎么可以省略呢?还有,如果添加了一个形式主语 these以后,那后面的attract people the most就是修饰 features的结构,那就应当使用分词短语attracting people the most,不应当使用attract动词原形呀?请教老师,帮助我分析一下上面这个句子。

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最佳答案 2021-06-02 16:54

Take notes, because here's what science says (that ) are the features that attract people the most.


在 There be 和 Here be 结构中,若有定语从句,作主语的关系代词,在非正式英语中可以省略:

Take notes, because here's what science says (that ) are the features that attract people the most.

There/Here is a shop (that)sells fruit.

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句子读起来很别扭,逻辑不通,感觉缺东西,一查果然features后面有个that,原句是:because here's what science says are the features that attract people the most. 

“what science says are the features”,这块是个由what引导的主语从句;后面是个由that引导的定语从句,先行词是features。意思是:记好笔记,(因为)下面就是科学上所说的最吸引人的特征。

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原句没问题,注意核对 Take notes, because here's what science says are the features that attract people the most

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  • 学英语   提出于 2021-06-01 21:54