no otheriwse than 这里是什么意思

Elizabeth was so much caught by what passed, as to leave her very little attention for her book; and soon laying it wholly aside, she drew near the card-table, and stationed herself between Mr. Bingley and his eldest sister to observe the game.

"Is Miss Darcy much grown since the spring?" said Miss Bingley; "will she be as tall as I am?"

"I think she will. She is now about Miss Elizabeth Bennet's height, or rather taller."

"How I long to see her again! I never met with anybody who delighted me so much. Such a countenance, such manners, and so extremely accomplished for her age! Her performance on the piano-forte is exquisite."

"It is amazing to me," said Bingley, "how young ladies can have patience to be so very accomplished as they all are."

"All young ladies accomplished! My dear Charles, what do you mean?"

"Yes all of them, I think. They all paint tables, cover skreens, and net purses. I scarcely know any one who cannot do all this, and I am sure I never heard a young lady spoken of for the first time, without being informed that she was very accomplished."

"Your list of the common extent of accomplishments," said Darcy, "has too much truth. The word is applied to many a woman who deserves it no otherwise than by netting a purse, or covering a skreen. But I am very far from agreeing with you in your estimation of ladies in general. I cannot boast of knowing more than half a dozen, in the whole range of my acquaintance, that are really accomplished."

请教老师:这个比较分句... be so very accomplished as they all are. 这里的soas有区别吗?这个句子尤其是as they all are应该怎么理解含义呢?

另一个不懂之处就是no otheriwse than这里是什么意思?没看懂。

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最佳答案 2021-05-25 17:16


She is as beautiful as Mary.

She isn't as/so beautiful as Mary.

Is she as/so beautiful as Mary?

How can she be so beautiful as Mary?

你的这个句子就是间接问句,所以用 比较结构。

How can you be so sure as you are你理解这句的意思,就能理解你提问的句子的意思。

2 no otherwise than = no other than,意为:仅仅,只。

who deserves it no otherwise than by netting a purse 她们仅仅编织一个钱包就可以用这个词来描述她们。

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