3 reason后接定语从句与同位语从句的区别



但我不太分得清 the reason 后面接的 that 什么情况下是同位语从句,什么情况下是定语从句。麻烦专家老师举例分析一下,谢谢您!

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最佳答案 2021-06-16 19:30

Tom did not go to school because his mother was ill. 这个句子告诉你,his mother was illTom didn't go to school的原因,即reason现在我们根据这个逻辑关系造二个句子:

The reason that Tom didn't go to school was that his mother was ill. 这个句子中,that Tom didn't go to school reason的定语从句。即定语从句解释这个原因是针对什么事情发生或未发生的。reason的定语从句可由whythat引导或者省略关系词。

Tom didn't go to school. The teacher was suspicious of the reason Tom gave that his mother was ill. 这个句子中,that his mother was illthe reason的同位语从句。(the reason was that his mother was ill ) 即同位语从句描述具体原因是什么。reason的同位语从句只能由that引导,不能用why

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其它 4 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

我觉得 The reason that Tom didn't go to school was that his mother was ill.   这个句子应改为:

The reason that Tom didn't go to school was because his mother was ill. (同位语从句)

The reason why Tom didn't go to school was that his mother was ill.(定语从句)


近来,我对 reason 后接定语从句还是同位语从句,以及如何使用 why,  that 和省略引导词的问题,有了一些初步体会和想法,准备写篇文章探讨一下。


I'd like to know the reason why you're so late.(定语从句)

I'd like to know the reason that you're so late.(同位语从句或定语从句。由于that 可以引导同位语从句,又可以用作关系副词,所以,不能判断)

I'd like to know the reason you're so late.(同位语从句或定语从句,省略 that

由于不知道 reason 的具体内容,所以,reason 之后使用定语从句,或同位语从句均可。一旦在上下文中明确了 reason 的含义,才能决定使用 why 还是 that


1. The reason why I love him is that he has a perfect character. (正。定语从句)

2. The reason that I love him is because he has a perfect character. (正。同位语从句)

3. The reason I love him is that he has a perfect character. (正。省略 why 的定语从句)

4. The reason I love him is because he has a perfect character. (正。省略 that 的同位语从句)

5. The reason that I love him is his perfect character. (正)

6. The reason why I love him is his perfect character. (误)

7. One day, mentally exhausted, I wrote down all the reasons why this problem could not be solved. (正)

8. One day, mentally exhausted, I wrote down all the reasons that this problem could not be solved. (误)


1. why  because 不能撞车。因此,应谨慎选择使用定语从句或同位语从句;

2. why 引导定语从句时,reason 所指的原因应该是一个陈述事实的单句(句1),而不是一个词组(句6)。这时应改为同位语从句(句5)。

3. reasons 为复数时,应该使用 why 引导定语从句(句7),不应该使用 that 引导同位语从句(句8),因为同位语从句无法包含多个 reasons 的内容。

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王汝涛   - 英语教师

我来本网前的学习中,一直认为reason that(that不做成分的情况下)引导都是同位语从句,因为that在句中既不是主语也不是宾语,that也不能替换为which。why=for which,why reason后引导的从句才是定语从句。来本网后发现这里的老师有不同分析。在近日回答一位网友疑问时又遇到了这个问题,我在剑桥字典上看到了这样的解释:We do not use reason in the plural with a that-clause: There are several reasons why I don’t like the book. Not: There are several reasons that …    https://dictionary.cambridge.org/grammar/british-grammar/reason?q=reason+that  为什么reason复数后不能用that,字典并没说明,于是我回到了我以前的认知,我想就是因为that引导同位语从句,而同位语从句的引导词一般是单数,而reasons 又是复数,不能变,所以只能用why,改为定语从句。曹老师也曾引用freedictionary的句子说明用that的情形,但这些句子的reason都是单数。我也在WR网看到位外国网友提到reasons 后他的习惯是不用that why. 尽管语料库有不少复数reasons 后用that的情形,但严格从语法角度说,也许不能算对。这犹如外国英语老师普遍认知but 不能用在句首,但报纸上每天都能看到but开头的句子。我觉得剑桥字典的说法,是有道理的,至少不是错的。我也想请各位网友和老师能否提供reason that...(that 不做成分的前提下)为定语从句的权威依据(不能是个人分析),这样也利于我和大家共同学习提高。

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1. 从句中不缺主语和宾语,就不能再用关系代词that,如果用关系副词(why),副词不能省略;

2. that的词性非常灵活,可以做关系代词引导定从(不能省),从属连词引导名词性从句(主从不省,表/宾/同位从句可省);

3. that做限定词和副词不引导从句。

This is the reason he couldn't trust anyone else. 这句是同位句从句,因为从句有主语和宾语,不需关系代词that,如果是关系副词why引导,why不能省略,所以,这句是由从属连词that引导的同位语从句,that省略了,连词conj.属虚词。

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其实the reason why后边的why从句倒是非常巧合的,可以算作同位语从句。

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  • Dean 提出于 2021-05-07 23:44