

He nodded his head instead of saying anything where his voice might betray him. 他一言不发,只是点头,因为一开口可能会露出破绽。

我不理解为什么句子中在 anything 后面接了一个where引导的从句,它是定语从句吗?难道anything后面可接where引导的定语从句呢?请老师指点,谢谢!

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最佳答案 2015-09-06 14:19

英语在表达时,有时候不定代词something或anything,指代的事物非常接近“地点”的概念,如“书本,纸张,话语,范围,领域,话题,事件,热点等”,这时我们可以用where引导定语从句,where相当于in which。具体分析如下:

He nodded his head instead of saying anything where his voice might betray him. 他一言不发,只是点头,因为一开口可能会露出破绽。

本句中,anything指说的话,where相当于in which,意为“在这些话当中”。因为人的“声音”是存在于“说的话”中,故把这些话视为“地点”,用where 引导定语从句。此外,把定语从句翻译成原因不足为怪,定语从句起状语从句的作用,也是很常见的语言现象,这个不属于本话题讨论的范围。


下句中的anything 相当于写字用的本子或纸张,所以可视为“地点”,后面的定语从句用where引导。

Bring a small notebook with you everywhere you go, or anything where you can set down your ideas. 不管你去哪里,都随身携带一个小笔记本或者任何东西,你可以(在上面)记下你的想法。

下句中的anyhting指“范围、领域”,可以看作是“地点”, 后面的定语从句用where 引导。

His teams have never won anything where he was the sole focus of the offence. 在他专注进攻的领域,他的球队从来没有赢得过什么。

以下例句都是肯定句,something 后面也是用where 引导定语从句。

I keep quiet because the people are discussing something where I have zero to add, usually because I know nothing about the topic. 我保持沉默,是因为那些人正在讨论我觉得无话可说的东西,这往往因为我对该话题一无所知。

But when you’re looking into something where being wrong will have consequences, and if you are unsure of the source of the information, you have every reason to check further. 但是,当你在调查那些一旦出错会造成后果的事情,而且如果你不确定信息来源,那么你就有充分的理由去进一步核实。

We assign this topic for your papers this week because this is actually something where there's a live debate that goes on among scholars themselves. 我们布置这个话题作为你们本周的论文题目,因为这实际上是学者之间正在辩论的话题。



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