Even after what you have just said 本句的真正含义是什么

"When he grew blind he would sit hour after hour in those two rooms that he had painted, looking at his works with sightless eyes, and seeing, perhaps, more than he had ever seen in his life before. Ata told me that he never complained of his fate, he never lost courage. To the end his mind remained serene and undisturbed. But he made her promise that when she had buried him -- did I tell you that I dug his grave with my own hands, for none of the natives would approach the infected house, and we buried him, she and I, sewn up in three pareos joined together, under the mango-tree -- he made her promise that she would set fire to the house and not leave it till it was burned to the ground and not a stick remained."

I did not speak for a while, for I was thinking. Then I said:

"He remained the same to the end, then."

"Do you understand? I must tell you that I thought it my duty to dissuade her."

"Even after what you have just said?"

"Yes; for I knew that here was a work of genius, and I did not think we had the right to deprive the world of it. But Ata would not listen to me. She had promised. I would not stay to witness the barbarous deed, and it was only afterwards that I heard what she had done. She poured paraffin on the dry floors and on the pandanus-mats, and then she set fire. In a little while nothing remained but smouldering embers, and a great masterpiece existed no longer.

"I think Strickland knew it was a masterpiece. He had achieved what he wanted. His life was complete. He had made a world and saw that it was good. Then, in pride and contempt, he destroyed, it."

"But I must show you my picture," said Dr. Coutras, moving on.

"What happened to Ata and the child?"

They went to the Marquesas. She had relations there. I have heard that the boy works on one of Cameron's schooners. They say he is very like his father in appearance."

没看懂"Even after what you have just said?"这句话究竟是什么意思?书上翻译成了:后来你说了吗?根据上下文,书上的翻译是对的。

但是为什么这句话的意思是这样呢? even after 不是即使在...之后的含义吗?

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最佳答案 2021-05-06 17:23

"Even after what you have just said?" 这句话意思很明确,是承接对方上一句话的。what you have just said指对方刚说的 he made her promise  that she would set fire to the house and not leave it till it was burned to the ground and not a stick remained. 即你知道他让她保证在他死后把房子连同画作烧毁,你还是要劝说她不要这么做吗?书上的翻译是译者根据上下文做的变通,并不是这个句子本身表达的意思。

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