3 名词问题


1.So, she set out with much determination to find a publisher who believed in her book the same way she did.

2. Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English.

3.They were amazed at how challenging their thinking really changed their lives.

4.I was living a life in my screen and hardly noticed what was around me. I looked through news websites and checked my email using my mobile phone. when I woke up at midnight, I did the same thing. Keeping away from my phone for forty eight hours changed my way of life. I fell asleep listening to the songs of frogs and insects.


第4句话中Thing为什么用单数啊?Life前为什么没有限定词?the songs 为什么用复数?

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最佳答案 2021-05-01 20:24

1.     Soshe set out with much determination to find a publisher who believed in her book the same way she did.

the same way she did 可以有二种理解:1)省略了介词in, = in the same way (that) she did. she did为省略了that的定语从句,修饰the same way, in the same way she did为介词短语作方式状语修饰believed in。由于介词in省略,则直接理解为名词短语the same way起副词的作用,而作方式状语。2)直接把the same way分析为引导方式状语从句的复合连词,the same way she did为方式状语从句。

2. Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English.

such thing as standard English = such thing as standard English is。按照传统语法分析,先行词被such修饰时,定语从句用as引导,as指代such thing, 并在从句中作表语。as从句可以省略成分,本句省略了系词is。另外你也可以把such A as B 视为习语,意为像B这样的A,不再细分成分,这样更简单。

3. They were amazed at how challenging their thinking really changed their lives.

how challenging their thinking really changed their lives how引导的名词性从句作介词at的宾语。其中challenging their thinking为动名词短语作从句的主语。本句中how等于that, 由于that从句不能做介词宾语,故由how引导。如果省略介词at则可以用that从句。They were amazed that challenging their thinking really changed their lives.

4. I was living a life in my screen and hardly noticed what was around me. I looked through news websites and checked my email using my mobile phone. When I woke up at midnight, I did the same thing. Keeping away from my phone for forty eight hours changed my way of life. I fell asleep listening to the songs of frogs and insects.

did the same thing 中,did为替代动词,后接the same thing作宾语,替代前文提过的 looked through news websites and checked my email using my mobile phone. 无论前面的动词有几个,都用did the same thing替代,不用复数。my way of life中,life为不可数名词,用零冠词表示泛指。the songs用来比喻青蛙和昆虫的叫声,你难道不觉得应该用复数吗?你闭上眼睛想象一下就知道了。

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其它 3 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

1. So, she set out with much determination to find a publisher who believed in her book the same way she did.

—— the same way she did,作用:修饰 believed 作方式状语。意思:“像她一样(对自己的作品有同样的看法)”。 the same way she did 是 in the same way as she did 省略而来,意思相当于exactly as she did

2. Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English.

——as standard English作用:介词短语作 thing 的定语。意思:“像标准英语那样的”。

3. They were amazed at how challenging their thinking really changed their lives.

——how challenging  引出间接感叹句,作感叹句的表语。之后省略了 it was,真正主语是 their thinking really changed their lives意思:“(真正主语是)多么具有挑战性啊”。

4. I was living a life in my screen and hardly noticed what was around me. I looked through news websites and checked my email using my mobile phone. when I woke up at midnight, I did the same thing. Keeping away from my phone for forty eight hours changed my way of life. I fell asleep listening to the songs of frogs and insects.

——my way of life这里,life 是不可数名词,泛指性质,不需要限定词。意思:“我的生活方式”。 the songs of frogs and insects可数名词song,用复数是因为作定语的frogs and insects也是复数。道理浅显,不言自明。

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王汝涛   - 英语教师

1. the same way she did 这里指和她有同样想法的出版商。这个部分整体做方式状语,前面省略了in。way后是省略that的定语从句。

2.  as standard English 有的解释为由such + noun+as +比较关系从句的句式。我个人习惯把as=like当介词来理解。意思是标准英语这样的东西。

3. 此句有误,how 后这里要用副词,而challenging 不用做副词。应该是how their challenging thinking really... 意思是他们的挑战性的思维如何真正改变了人生。

4. thing 指前面提到的整体,作为一件事,用单数。my way of life 的life这里是抽象用法,也可以理解为泛指用法,使用零冠词,即不用限定词。way是特指的,所以用my 来限定。songs 用复数,因为青蛙和昆虫,两种物种,又都是复数,所以产生不同的叫声。

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