3 这句话中的that从句是否为定语从句

The continued poor performance of Soviet divisions in 1941 and well into 1942 must be weighed against the speed with which they were raised and the total inexperience of their commanders and troops. This performance contributed to the German impression of an inferior enemy that did not realize it had already been defeated.



这里的第二句话中的that从句是否应该是修饰inferior enemy的定语从句?但是出版社的翻译似乎将其作为了结果状语从句,其主语为German。出版社的翻译正确吗?有这样使用的结果状语从句吗?


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最佳答案 2021-04-30 08:36

that 引导定语从句无疑。contributed to 后面只有两个名词:impression 和 enemy,那么,that 从句的先行词不可能是 impression,只能是 enemy。因此,句子意思是:

This performance contributed to the German impression of an inferior enemy that did not realize it had already been defeated.


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其它 1 个回答

王汝涛   - 英语教师

谢谢邀答。根据你提供的上下文,我对这句话的理解是: that 引导定语从句,先行词为enemy,这句话的大概意思是:这种表现给德军带来这样一种印象,即这是一个并没有意识到自己已经被打败的低劣对手。

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  • SgtMitchell 提出于 2021-04-29 10:51