as little their own masters as 与 their own masters as little as 一样吗

"Do you know how men can be so obsessed by love that they are deaf and blind to everything else in the world? They are as little their own masters as the slaves chained to the benches of a galley. The passion that held Strickland in bondage was no less tyrannical than love."

"How strange that you should say that!" I answered. "For long ago I had the idea that he was possessed of a devil."

"And the passion that held Strickland was a passion to create beauty. It gave him no peace. It urged him hither and thither. He was eternally a pilgrim, haunted by a divine nostalgia, and the demon within him was ruthless. There are men whose desire for truth is so great that to attain it they will shatter the very foundation of their world. Of such was Strickland, only beauty with him took the place of truth. I could only feel for him a profound compassion."

"That is strange also. A man whom he had deeply wronged told me that he felt a great pity for him." I was silent for a moment. "I wonder if there you have found the explanation of a character which has always seemed to me inexplicable. How did you hit on it?"

He turned to me with a smile.

"Did I not tell you that I, too, in my way was an artist? I realised in myself the same desire as animated him. But whereas his medium was paint, mine has been life."

这一句比较句 as little their own masters as 没看懂,为什么不是 They are their own masters as little as the slaves chained to the benches of a galley. 这个结构呢?

For long ago 怎么理解?For 表示一段时间为什么可以加上 long ago 呢?

Of such was Strickland - 这样的句式结构,是倒装吗?这里的of怎么理解?

mine has been life - 与说成mine is life怎么体会含义差别呢?

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最佳答案 2021-04-30 14:19

1 They are as little their own masters as the slaves chained to the benches of a galley. little在此等于seldom,表示否定意义,为中位状语,所以要位于操作词are之后。坠入情网的男人不是自己的主人(没有自由,被爱情所左右),就像被锁链锁在运奴船的长条凳上的奴隶一样没有自由。

2 for long ago 要分开读。for是并列连词,用在一个句子之首,表示本句是前一句话的原因,for翻译为“因为”。时间状语为 long ago. 

3 Of such was Strickland 为倒装句,= Strickland was of such = of such a type. 属于这种人。of such 起形容词作用,作表语表示主语的特征。

mine has been life 现在完成时表示从过去到现在迄今为止一直如此,隐含up to nowmine is life 表示现在,可能向过去或将来延伸。

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其它 1 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编



3. Of such was Strickland 为倒装句,结合下一句应该是: Strickland was of such a type  (that) only beauty with him took the place of truth. 

4.  But whereas his medium was paint, mine has been life. 现在完成时,指对现在的影响,我觉得没有持续至今的意思。因为这两个对比句,都是指向过去,“(过去)他的表现方式是绘画,而我的表现方式则是生活”。网友问的是mine is life.  所以这个修改无关紧要。

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